Official SH3 instrumentals out now
@SonicNirvana i noticed they were posted back on the 24th
Niggas joking bout some tick tick
& now that rapper broke as f***
that boy a statistic
Niggas joking bout some tick tick
& now that rapper broke as f***
that boy a statistic
Empty clipse
I like how the song is called Stories About My Brother & he proceeds to deliver no stories about him
I mean enough about meeeeh
I don’t think people realize the run he is on right now dude really put out 4 different types of genres in 3 years that’s unheard of man
HNM HL FATD SH3 run is gonna be crazy when people look back in 5 yrs
Niggas joking bout some tick tick
& now that rapper broke as f***
that boy a statistic
no cap Scary hours 3 made me appreciate FATD even more than I already did
the rap songs cool but man the R&B songs on FATD are just
one time i was pulling into the garage at my crib was about to turn my car off go inside, and Drew a Picasso came on, had to sit in the garage and listen to the full song before going inside
no cap Scary hours 3 made me appreciate FATD even more than I already did
the rap songs cool but man the R&B songs on FATD are just
one time i was pulling into the garage at my crib was about to turn my car off go inside, and Drew a Picasso came on, had to sit in the garage and listen to the full song before going inside
I hope the car wasn’t running fam
I hope the car wasn’t running fam
had the engine turned off, only the battery was on
Niggas joking bout some tick tick
& now that rapper broke as f***
that boy a statistic
When I hear this all I can think of is that nigga sitting with Arby's talmbout "I think you should diss McDonald's"