  • Dec 3, 2023
    1 reply
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    S/o KTT for putting me on to this. Only 2 episodes in and a lot of the sci-fi is going over my head but it’s pretty to look at and I’m enjoying it

    Might give this a chance. Wasn't sold on the trailer but I'm hearing great things

  • May 9, 2024

    This is coming to Netflix at the end of the month. 29th in the US, 31st in the UK

  • May 10, 2024
    5 replies


  • May 11, 2024
    Mac Wit Da Cheese


    need Netflix to come thru

  • on netflix now @op

  • Jun 1, 2024
    Mac Wit Da Cheese


    Didn’t know they cancelled it
    Who is making these decisions at Max?

  • Jun 1, 2024
    Mac Wit Da Cheese



    this show was loved

  • Jun 1, 2024
    Mac Wit Da Cheese


    Fam I completely missed this

  • Jun 2, 2024
    1 reply

    this s*** is excellent

  • Jun 2, 2024

    this s*** is excellent

    First time watching?

    Enjoy. This s*** was #1 on my TV list last year. It’s the definition of criminally underrated

  • Jun 10, 2024

    Finally got a chance to start watching this. Seen the first two episodes and I really love it. The soundtrack, the creativity of the alien life and all their survival methods. I find it very meditative to watch.

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese


    Insane this got cancelled

  • renewing this show shouldnt even be a question. zaslav was/is an idiot for axing it
    CHOP CHOP netflix tf

  • Finally finished. First half of the show was great, bold, and interesting. Once the plot heavy elements kicked in, I lost interest. Bringing back Levi was questionable and while I thought the robot was the most interesting character, bringing it back robbed that destruction scene of its power.

    Kamen story started off interesting, with the pairing of a weak needy man and a parasite initially engaging, but there's only so many times you can hammer home his selfish nature until it becomes repetitive. Spelling it out at the end is why I think today's writers don't have faith in their audience.

    Azi was inconsistently written and underdeveloped, because unless I missed out on a crucial detail, how do you go from calling out for Kamen who's asleep in the monster, as if trying to wake him up so he can fight out of it, then when he's free and you're asked what is the matter with him, you go, "Don't know, don't care"? How many writers were there and why were such little inconsistencies flying by? I must be missing something. Also, she really tried to fight that big monster with a f\*\*\*ing knife lmao. Do these people actually care if they live or die? No sense of self-preservation.

    The characters of Kris, Barry and Thomas or whatever, were the most boring of all and I wanted them to die immediately. No strong motivation, half baked characterization, cliché plot devices.

    Also, it's funny how when we meet the main characters, they seem in tune with the world already, but suddenly when the inciting incident kicks in aka the Demeter landing on the planet, they're all marvelling at the flora and fauna like they're seeing it for the first time. Sure, you could argue that it's a big planet so there's no way they're discovering everything the planet has to offer, but they started off more competent than the state that they devolved into.

    Idk, I started off loving this, but I'm realizing I was more into the world than the story tbh.

  • Finally got a chance to watch this. It was absolutely incredible! WOW