did this senile f***er pick birdman over TGTBTU and parasite over dancer in the dark?
street are done
Marty is too damn old to be jerking his head around like that. That’s too risky.
Goddammit, man should be forced into a full body cast to preserve as long as possible.
francesca is doing god's work for all the posterity having marty engage in s*** like this
Didn’t choose a single movie directed by a female
This is a joke. There were only like 4
Didn’t choose a single movie directed by a female
This is a joke. There were only like 4
Any black directors on there?
did this senile f***er pick birdman over TGTBTU and parasite over dancer in the dark?
street are done
Birdman is goat. Scorsese confirmed king
Birdman is goat. Scorsese confirmed king
10 years of “waaaah Inarritu sucks wahhhh Inarritu is pretentious garbage waahhhhh”
This is vindication