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  • Jul 18, 2021

    Grown ass infant

  • Jul 18, 2021

    Gender and sexuality talk on ktt means thread will need to be locked before the day ends

  • Jul 18, 2021

    If you’re genuinely upset about a man painting his nails then you’re insecure

    This includes the ‘people can do whatever they want but...’ crowd

  • kainie 🌌
    Jul 18, 2021

    i respect the message and all but he should know by now that niggas are gonna be ignorant regardless and should just ignore them

    im surprised he's still under this mentality, he should know better by then, been doing s*** for years

  • Jul 18, 2021
    Cosmic Warrior

    i will never understand this line of argument

    "if you don't like 'x' thing then it's because you are 'x' thing deep down"

    It’s all feminine lol. Where do you draw the line and why?!

  • Jul 18, 2021

    Why is it considered feminine though? Who decided that? What makes it feminine?

    Plenty of dudes have food skincare and hair care routines, does that make them feminine? Dudes get pedicures and manicures, are they feminine for that too?

    Do you see my point? It’s all arbitrary and the only reason people think it’s “weird” is because it goes against the normal gender roles we have created. We create these weird social rules that don’t actually mean s***. Maybe try being a little more open minded and realize why the s*** bothers you so much. If you’re really getting worked up about a dudes fingernails, you got bigger issues going on my friend.

    I’m not getting worked up at all, and I just asked you a question bro lol. Having good skincare and hair care routines are beneficial to the person, and I completely understand. I can also understand why I guy wouldn’t want crusty fingernails or toenails 🤷🏾‍♂️ Whatever

    You made the statement that you’re not a 100% confident with your sexuality if blah blah blah. I’m curious if you’re comfortable enough with yours to wear a dress. If I have a problem with anything, it’s this weak, sensitive ass generation. I really ain’t trying to normalize men being extremely feminine, sensitive, and not ready for the hardships they’ll inevitably face in life. They might turn out like Cudi

  • Jul 18, 2021

    why is s*** like this thread worthy? jesus christ

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