Ngl I didn’t think it would be this different of a retelling but I’m actually into it cause the female characters of the Scott pilgrim story are really great especially Kim and knives
This is dope
Edgar gets the Three Flavors Cornetto trifecta (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) a part in this
Really INSANE casting
Everyone will be calling this a classic in two years
why wait two years it's already classic
Was taken back with the direction of the show but ended up liking it towards the end
Will Forte as old Scott is hilarious
Seeing a bunch of nerds complaining bout some "A Scott Pilgrim show with Scott only being in 20% of it!" and I'm sitting here like...good? Lol Scott sucks honestly.
I've been enjoying learning about the rest of the characters much more. Especially the evil exes. I loved it because they really highlight how flawed Ramona despite Scott treating her like an object for him to win in the comics and movie. In highlighting these flaws it's not to make Ramona some kinda terrible irredeemable person. It just makes her human.
I feel like the show did a great job redeeming all the characters. Except for Scott, he kinda just ends up remaining a bozo at the end of the show.
Maybe the plan for this show is to give it a couple more seasons after this one. This first season pretty much serving as world building and giving new/more life to the characters in the universe without focusing on Scott. And then follow up seasons can potentially get more into the Scott-centric stuff the purists are crying about missing.
Show looks and sounds great. I like how everybody gets fleshed out. It's done well enough that I would love to see this world and its characters continue because now I truly care about them individually instead of only knowing them as Scott's friends or the people Scott beats up.
btw the japanese voice of Ramona is Ai Farouz, an up and comer who got the female Joestar role (Jolyne) and is just a wonderful VA
they really have an ATG casting going on here
Seeing a bunch of nerds complaining bout some "A Scott Pilgrim show with Scott only being in 20% of it!" and I'm sitting here like...good? Lol Scott sucks honestly.
I've been enjoying learning about the rest of the characters much more. Especially the evil exes. I loved it because they really highlight how flawed Ramona despite Scott treating her like an object for him to win in the comics and movie. In highlighting these flaws it's not to make Ramona some kinda terrible irredeemable person. It just makes her human.
I feel like the show did a great job redeeming all the characters. Except for Scott, he kinda just ends up remaining a bozo at the end of the show.
Maybe the plan for this show is to give it a couple more seasons after this one. This first season pretty much serving as world building and giving new/more life to the characters in the universe without focusing on Scott. And then follow up seasons can potentially get more into the Scott-centric stuff the purists are crying about missing.
Show looks and sounds great. I like how everybody gets fleshed out. It's done well enough that I would love to see this world and its characters continue because now I truly care about them individually instead of only knowing them as Scott's friends or the people Scott beats up.
I didn't read all your post past the first sentence bc I'm still on episode 5, but I do agree that it's beyond time to highlight the rest of the cast
idk about the comics, but basically everything surrounding this world has been Scott centric since the movie dropped, even though we have a REALLY rich crop of characters that all have backstories that are just lightly mentioned, as far as events that don't pertain to Scott. Not to say I have a problem with that, but idk why, in what may be the final Scott Pilgrim project ever, you'd want a 1:1 retelling of the original plot OR a Scott-centric plot that renders the others as just plot devices for him again
Like it really is surreal that we got 7 evil exes, and knew the bare minimum for why even Ramona liked them, much less who the characters actually are outside of this league. They were nothing more than past mistakes of Ramona's and boxes for Scott to check off
Can someone explain to me the appeal of this movie/series.
I first watched the movie this summer and thought it was ok. Scott dating a high schooler really just threw off the vibe of the whole movie for me tbh.
Can someone explain to me the appeal of this movie/series.
I first watched the movie this summer and thought it was ok. Scott dating a high schooler really just threw off the vibe of the whole movie for me tbh.
What’s already understood ain’t gotta be explained Brudda. Safe travels on your journey
Re reading the comics to prepare for this i forgot how cool this is
they cooked
peak fiction in book, video game and now tv form