love his second channel perfect background videos
perfect eating videos tbh
nothing like having a good meal and a 30 min video on the binders of game cases
new main channel vid this week
The Childhood Game Collection
sounds like a classic already
Scott the woz is a liar and can not be trusted
Scott the woz is a liar and can not be trusted
refreshing youtube waiting for it to drop while yo food gets cold
How does Scott like video games all he played was licensed SpongeBob games
How does Scott like video games all he played was licensed SpongeBob games
spongebob games in the 2000s were high art it’s very understandable
Spitting nothing but facts about Creature From The Krusty Krab, DS version was more unique from what I remember growing up with
love some of the deep cuts in this video
forgotten licensed handheld games give me so much nostalgia
Im like an hour and 20 min into his newest video and it’s actually mind boggling that he ended up loving video games
glad kid Scott had so many SpongeBob games to choose from