I think because the nature of this, no one will want to touch this film with a 10ft pole now
Netflix always a wild card tho
only a studio as production oriented as Netflix would do that
Unless there is some spicier takes i can't find, it seems she's been dropped for these IG stories about Palestine
What the f***
Tell me this isn’t true
She was incredible in S6. The way it sets up 7, how the hell are they gonna fire her?
God damm that s*** was so graphic I wish I could unsee s*** is so wicked
If all core four walk this might be the greatest middle finger to Hollywood in years
It’s rumored that Jenna was gonna have a limited role anyway, cause she was gonna be filming Wednesday season 2 a month after they would start on this (April 2024)
Yeah this movie is cooked
Its a wrap @op
https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1727385197115580509https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1727385750864646483 she real af for standing up for Melissa
Its a wrap @op
https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1727385197115580509https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1727385750864646483Scrap it
Its a wrap @op
https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1727385197115580509https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1727385750864646483Jenna is a goat
Losing your main character and biggest star
I love Jasmin and Mason but they wouldn't be able to carry the movie and they're probably gonna stick by Melissa anyway