You know they are scrambling doing anything to get Neve back
She better say no
Damn Kanye might really be able to make a comeback. That nigga is unsinkable
I can see a thousand years from now in real life, skate on the paradigm and shift it when I feel like. Troll conventional thought, don’t need to question, I know it’s antiquated so sometimes I get aggressive.
Its a wrap @op that twitter account trying to say her not doing the movie has nothing to do with her wanting out of her movie contract? 😂😂😂
Spyglass just killed the Scream franchise lmaooo
I don’t think they were aware of who their core fanbase was. Young millennials and Gen Z aren’t gonna tolerate the s*** that they did
Is that twitter account trying to say her not doing the movie has nothing to do with her wanting out of her movie contract? 😂😂😂
Gotta keep in mind outlets like Deadline/Variety/THR also basically serve as functioning propaganda arms for the major film studios
scream 4 was the peak of the scream sequels anyway
Scream 4 is ridiculously good for a third horror movie sequel
Give me the Scream 4 4k and don’t make another movie idc