It’s getting crazy out there“Freedom of speech”
jenna about to be in it for 3 mins max
if true who is the story gonna be about? the twins that should’ve been died in the first one based on their wounds? sidney? caresha please
There it is
as Variety reports (in their November 21, 2023 print issue) and /Film sources have confirmed, Melissa Barrera has "quietly" exited "Scream VII." Our sources also confirmed that Barrera's exit was not part of the original plan. While social media has lit up with fears that Barrera was fired due to pro-Palestinian posts, Variety (and our anonymous sources) have confirmed that her exit was not due to calling for a ceasefire, but for crossing the line into antisemitism, including, as Variety reported, "an antisemitic trope that Jews control the media. A rep for Spyglass declined to comment and Barrera did not respond to a request for comment."
yep. what i thought. her saying that western media has a bias against palestinians has been construed (as it often is) in total bad faith, painting her as saying 'jews run media'
disgusting stuff to put out there and it now being attached to her so publicly will affect the rest of her career probably
There it is Variety reports (in their November 21, 2023 print issue) and /Film sources have confirmed, Melissa Barrera has "quietly" exited "Scream VII." Our sources also confirmed that Barrera's exit was not part of the original plan. While social media has lit up with fears that Barrera was fired due to pro-Palestinian posts, Variety (and our anonymous sources) have confirmed that her exit was not due to calling for a ceasefire, but for crossing the line into antisemitism, including, as Variety reported, "an antisemitic trope that Jews control the media. A rep for Spyglass declined to comment and Barrera did not respond to a request for comment."
They’re proving the point that they claim she was making lmao
could be these ones that got her clapped
Should have condomed Hamas first/s
could be these ones that got her clapped
The producers really looked at this and said “Jews = Western Media”
Like how in the absolute f*** does that even make sense???
Hollywood is unfortunately making examples out of Melissa and Susan Sarandon.
Basically if you don’t support genocide you’re done. Some truly evil s***
@op add dropped for supporting palestine btw
@op add dropped for supporting palestine btw
Didn’t fit the first time but it did now
Sucks for Melissa but she probably doesn't need that franchise tbh last one sucked
could be these ones that got her clapped
Broksi English not my first language. Is she with Palestine or not? Why dis offensive?