  • Oct 25, 2019

    Credit for OP goes to @Stephanie


    Don't include more than 10 screenshots in a single post.

    List the name of each game and platform.

    When quoting other posts, try to edit out any images unless they're directly relevant to your comment.


    PC users can generally use Win + PrintScreen to take screenshots. Steam also has a dedicated, configurable screenshot command.

    Xbox One owners can take screenshots by double tapping the Guide button and then pressing the Y button. Screenshots are captured at the moment you double tap the Guide button, not when the Snap Center appears. Screenshots can then be managed through Upload.

    PlayStation 4 owners can take screenshots with the Share button, which can be configured to either capture the screenshot after a single or double tap.

    Switch owners can use the odd looking screenshot button.


    Use an image hosting service that doesn't compress your screenshots! Even on a fixed width forum like KTT, compression can significantly reduce the quality of your screen shots. Avoid using imgur unless you want your pictures to look like captures from a YouTube video. OneDrive, Flickr, and Minus are just a few suggestions.

    On the Xbox One, uncompressed screenshots can be directly shared to a public folder in your OneDrive account, which is much more convenient than sharing through Twitter.

    Playstation 4 owners can export their screenshots to a USB drive for slightly better quality.

  • OP
    Oct 25, 2019

    @Stephanie take ur thread back if u want it

    Always liked this thread, so im snagging it before someone else makes it