Always loved that episode "The Strongbox" where literally EVERYTHING just keeps going wrong and getting worse for Kramer and Jerry
First episode I remember standing out to me as a kid.
"The Old Man" is probably my other least favourite episode, s*** is just stupid as hell.. the only redeeming quality to it to me is george pissing off the old guy by being miserable
opened hulu to watch sum seinfeld and to my surprise the girl whose account ive been using for 2 years cancelled her subscription D:
You wanna get NUTS?!
rewatched the pilot for the first time in like 12 years and wow... if i was an exec at a network and saw this honestly wouldn't even air the show
rewatched the pilot for the first time in like 12 years and wow... if i was an exec at a network and saw this honestly wouldn't even air the show
The pilot was not good lol
the only episode I legitimately don't like is the India wedding one with Sue Ellen and that's just because they reversed the events
Yes, I can’t stand this one. I always skip it. Dumb gimmick.
Another one of my faves: “The Chicken Roaster”.
That’s not gonna be good for anyone.
Jerry and Kramer switching roles always cracks me up
Actually found one I like even less than “The Doorman”: “The Dog”.
that alcoholic dude might be bottom 3 most annoying people on the show along with that hospital lady who refuses to help george when his car gets trashed
what is the episode where george has a photo of a woman in his wallet and women think its his ex?
Never seen Seinfeld. For those who have do y’all think QT was inspired by them with Pulp fiction? I remember reading Jerry and Larry saying he took a lot of s*** they was doing for his earlier movies.
Never seen Seinfeld. For those who have do y’all think QT was inspired by them with Pulp fiction? I remember reading Jerry and Larry saying he took a lot of s*** they was doing for his earlier movies.
Never thought about it, but that makes perfect sense given the kind of dialogue Tarantino writes in Dogs and PF. Just mundane pop culture observational s***. Very Seinfeldy
Never seen Seinfeld. For those who have do y’all think QT was inspired by them with Pulp fiction? I remember reading Jerry and Larry saying he took a lot of s*** they was doing for his earlier movies.
No I really don’t think this but i’d be interested to see that quote. Could be, but I don’t see a strong similarity personally
No I really don’t think this but i’d be interested to see that quote. Could be, but I don’t see a strong similarity personally
"I think Pulp Fiction was definitely influenced by the show," said Seinfeld. "When Larry and I saw that scene about the Big Mac, he went: 'Hey, that's our stuff!'"
I thought there was another quote about RD but can’t find it. But I guess Seinfeld is filled with a lot of mundane convos based around pop culture that seemingly seems pointless? RD and Pulp has that even tho the convos aren’t pointless, they are just masked that way.
I’m bout to check this out. Not sure why I never watched? Being I’m a big fan of Curb
I’m bout to check this out. Not sure why I never watched? Being I’m a big fan of Curb
You should. It’s a classic. First season is probably the worst but it’s only 5 episodes. You could easily start with season 3 and then circle back to the first 2 seasons later if you want to jump in when they’re already warmed up