P**** size varies too and has a lot to do with sexual compatability
Don't wait for marriage to have s***with someone js
fr p*** has the poor virgins thinking all girls have this gaping chasm to fill those girls are literally built different
P**** size varies too and has a lot to do with sexual compatability
Don't wait for marriage to have s***with someone js
wait what
when im hard the foreskin is fully pulled back but when im soft its all cute and hiding
aww ur cute lil soft p****
P**** size varies too and has a lot to do with sexual compatability
Don't wait for marriage to have s***with someone js
so p**** can really get loose? i‘m f***edd
and then get tight also alot of girls aren't like this;
fellas, what our d***s looking like? i have these weird little white bumps on my head but i know it’s not herpes since im a virgin
Man what
he wants to f*** you
when ur ugly and have a small cock
nahhh speak on it fr…
so p**** can really get loose? i‘m f***edd
Education system really failed yall
fr p*** has the poor virgins thinking all girls have this gaping chasm to fill those girls are literally built different
Most are like 4 inches deep at most
That's why the micropenis range starts below that, evolutionarily speaking it's the only size that would make reproduction more challenging
bro like i was literally just playing around with her vagina and she said that her g spot was at the entrance. I was like "this right here is ur gspot?" And she said yea
Education system really failed yall
ol smart ass nigga drop the p**** knowledge then 🤓
Most are like 4 inches deep at most
That's why the micropenis range starts below that, evolutionarily speaking it's the only size that would make reproduction more challenging
you niggas are lying no way p**** only 4 inches deep why do they be wanting niggas who pack then