Manlet 7 checking in
Just like me
Lack of height makes our d***s look so much bigger
Just like me
Lack of height makes our d***s look so much bigger
makes us appear to be Godly tbh
fellas, what our d***s looking like? i have these weird little white bumps on my head but i know it’s not herpes since im a virgin
bro one time i wanted to test a girl and i asked "is it in" even tho it was in and she said "i dont know"
Batman himself couldn't get this information out of me
any doctors on here?
Just go see a doctor irl lol. I would need to see it and there is 0% chance I’m having you send me pictures lmao
oh my god
Just go see a doctor irl lol. I would need to see it and there is 0% chance I’m having you send me pictures lmao
nah f*** that im good
thanks though
fellas, what our d***s looking like? i have these weird little white bumps on my head but i know it’s not herpes since im a virgin
yeah pretty sure that’s what i have
yeah pretty sure that’s what i have
gotchu 🤝 ill just bill your insurance
My d*** is so non-descript that I wouldn’t be able pick it out in a line up.
My d*** is so mediocre that if I had to name it it’d be “Non-Schlongt” (a play on nonchalant fyi btw).
My d*** is so average that girls have the tendency to yawn mid blow-job.
Just go see a doctor irl lol. I would need to see it and there is 0% chance I’m having you send me pictures lmao
You’re a doctor fr??