6 inches is pretty small tho. Especially if you’re only six inches on hard so if you not even 6 inches then I understand why you would be sad
damn bro 6 inches is small now? its really over
6 inches is pretty small tho. Especially if you’re only six inches on hard so if you not even 6 inches then I understand why you would be sad
6 inches is average
Anything over that is considered big unless the girl has a sinkhole for a p****
damn bro 6 inches is small now? its really over
None of this really matters though.
It’s what the women think.
What have women said when you f***ed them?
damn bro 6 inches is small now? its really over
dude lying his ass off
6 inches is pretty small tho. Especially if you’re only six inches on hard so if you not even 6 inches then I understand why you would be sad
Google says average is 5.16 inches
damn bro 6 inches is small now? its really over
p**** inflation is f***ing up the sexual marketplace
None of this really matters though.
It’s what the women think.
What have women said when you f***ed them?
bro one time i wanted to test a girl and i asked "is it in" even tho it was in and she said "i dont know"
bro one time i wanted to test a girl and i asked "is it in" even tho it was in and she said "i dont know"
dude lying his ass off
im filipino, feels good to know im bigger than average filipinos
bro one time i wanted to test a girl and i asked "is it in" even tho it was in and she said "i dont know"
dis too real
bro one time i wanted to test a girl and i asked "is it in" even tho it was in and she said "i dont know"
what happened to shame yo
honestly guys theres no way that the average is 5 inches. Everytime i see some like leaked p*** or some homemade s***. The guy is definitely above 5 inches
I’ll never forget being in high school and having two girls walk up to me and ask how I got my d*** so big
Size is subjective
honestly guys theres no way that the average is 5 inches. Everytime i see some like leaked p*** or some homemade s***. The guy is definitely above 5 inches
Why do you think it gets leaked
honestly guys theres no way that the average is 5 inches. Everytime i see some like leaked p*** or some homemade s***. The guy is definitely above 5 inches
I mean would you have uploaded the video if you had a micro p**** or something