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  • These are serious allegations. If Kendrick’s stuff comes out to be true, are people still going to say he won the beef? Or are we going to be objective and call both of them pieces of s***?

    If Kendrick did hit her, cheat on her, and try to act all holy, I need that same energy yall give Drake for being an imposter. I don’t like that nigga, he is a degenerate but he came correct on this last track. Kendrick has to ACTUALLY deny it and before the little kids come in and say he did on breakfast club, that wasn’t about his wife. And her brother doesn’t speak for Kendrick either. I think abusing a woman is f***ing horrible, and shouldn’t ever be defended. and before you say I’m a Drake fan in disguise like y’all quick to do, Drake is a weirdo for kissing a 17 year old on stage but besides that what other things do we know Drake did to kids? None besides having texted one. Let’s see the text messages proving he is grooming before throwing f***ing stones. Please be objective. Your Twitter friends won’t know you anonymously.

    And if Kendrick disproves this, I’ll take it on the chin and say he won the beef. But I just want honesty from you and for no fanboy d*** sucking s***. Would y’all really still support Kendrick if he beat his queen. Does that make you sad it ruined your black messiah image you gave this nigga like idiots? If it’s not obvious, I don’t like the Twitter hive mind stuff. It’s actually disgusting. These allegations on both sides are high key bigger than rap and should ruin both their careers if one is actually PROVEN.

  • Be objective

    Even TDE can admit fair is fair, funny how the closest aren’t d***riders.

  • May 6
    2 replies

    Kendrick won

  • CutiePieHole

    Kendrick won

    (Dot, f*** 'em up)

  • CutiePieHole

    Kendrick won

    So you literally don’t care if he MAY beat his wife and won’t put him on trial like y’all do Drake. But instead your sad self wants some likes and memes. I’m happy for your lack of substance life buddy.

    Any actual Kendrick fans in here actually understand he should come out and disprove s***? And not like this silly kid

  • Drake could never make Mortal Man

    Kendrick is just better in every way.

    Cooler, less corny, makes actually lyrically dense music with incredible storytelling abilities, has multiple classics, doesn't suck at rap battles the list goes on

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