  • Jul 9, 2022

    steroids literally grind your bones and cartilage away lol

    if its like medical steroids

  • Jul 9, 2022

    Breh you are shutting down systems in your body and will have to use medication to start those processes back up or it could cause permanent damage.

    Does that REALLY sound like no big deal?
    Just work the f*** out for a year.

    Alot of the s*** you're wanting sound like benefits of HGH if I'm being honest

    But like, no. I think every lazy person who doesn't have the physique they want has thought about roids before. But the risk is not worth it

    It could potentially stop you from ever having kids or even getting an erection.

    Do you want to take pills the rest of your life so you can get your d*** working again.

    If you don't believe me go to actual forums of steroid users. I did because I really wanted to see what it was like when I considered it.
    They have to take regular blood work all the time because this s*** can go south so fast man. One cycle you're good. The next you're off the rails.

    Injecting yourself with it like an addict everyday. And you can't break midcycle or what's the point. And there's only certain combinations of roids that will allow you to keep your gains and now just be water weight, and if I'm right most of those are actually the most dangerous.

    If you do intend on it, it sounds like Testosterone E is the (lol safest, none of them are really) and then buy the recovery cycle s*** so your nuts can work again.
    But really, just live with the features you got and work out for a year and fill out your frame.

  • Jul 9, 2022
    2 replies
    Skrimps N Grits

    Im planning on being a slimmer guy with some muscles, basically like Nipsey physique

    Oh you trolling. Damn I actually had knowledge on steroids too lmao

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Oh you trolling. Damn I actually had knowledge on steroids too lmao

    this is the ideal male body you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

  • Jul 9, 2022

    if you're not a bodybuilder, fitness social media personality/model, actor or athlete it's not worth it imo. You just putting yourself at risk for basically nothing.

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Oh you trolling. Damn I actually had knowledge on steroids too lmao

    Bro I know u talking about roids but I got a fitness question

    So I got like 40-45 pounds left to lose from the original 100-120 I had to lose but now Im worrying about being skinny fat

    What can I do in the next 10 months to kinda mold my body in a lean physique? (I know it wont be super super huge but I got a trip and wanna have a decent glo up beforehand lol)

  • Jul 9, 2022

    Bro I know u talking about roids but I got a fitness question

    So I got like 40-45 pounds left to lose from the original 100-120 I had to lose but now Im worrying about being skinny fat

    What can I do in the next 10 months to kinda mold my body in a lean physique? (I know it wont be super super huge but I got a trip and wanna have a decent glo up beforehand lol)

    I'm no expert but from my experience skinny fat is all about nutrition.

    You gotta cut out all that unhealthy s*** and soft drinks from your diet entirely.

    And running like a motherfucker can't stress it enough.

    Ab workouts and exercises that focus strictly on your core will help as well.

  • Jul 9, 2022

    You don’t need roids. Smoke some sativa and take preworkout before the gym. You’ll go super saiyan

  • Do it for the classic thread

  • Jul 9, 2022

    Why not just pay for a personal trainer if you willing to spend all that money

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Also you know you lose almost all of roids gains right. Like it's very hard to maintain long term

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply
    Bo Ceephus

    Also you know you lose almost all of roids gains right. Like it's very hard to maintain long term

    You didn't like my Hank Williams joke

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply

    You didn't like my Hank Williams joke

    I didn't see it my friend

  • Jul 9, 2022

    this is the ideal male body you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

    I'll be damned lmfao

  • Jul 9, 2022

    If u don't do it u p****

  • Jul 9, 2022
    Skrimps N Grits

    Im planning on being a slimmer guy with some muscles, basically like Nipsey physique

    Ok you definitely trolling now

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply

    You could go to a gym and commit to doing the hardwork for 20-100/mo

    But you would rather inject yourself w needles

    And the ironic part is he would still have to go to the gym and train just as hard even on the needles

  • Personally I don’t think risking your health for some superficial benefits (most of which you can attain through hard work and diet etc) are worth it just to presumably impress others I’d understand it more if you were considering it for bodybuilding or some other kind of competition tbh (although it’s still not advisable)

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply

    And the ironic part is he would still have to go to the gym and train just as hard even on the needles

    fr, steroids can give you an edge/speed up gains but you can't take them and just sit on the couch lol

  • Jul 9, 2022


  • Jul 9, 2022

    if you're not competing you don't need roids at all

    literally just put in work at the gym and eat and sleep right

  • Jul 9, 2022
    1 reply

    fr, steroids can give you an edge/speed up gains but you can't take them and just sit on the couch lol

    Wait so if u don’t work out on steroids what do they do

    Never thought about this lmao
