I dont get why fellas gas her up
the word is literally in her name bro
her personality
oh alright thats fair I guess, thought it was cuz of her looks
I dont get why fellas gas her up
She down to earth and wild
The male species inserted their p**** inside the female species vagina, and ejaculated c***inside of it.
Still getting knocked up by dirty broke hood niggas after getting a bag is wild
Damn nigga
that baby weight gonna do her good tho, just wait
oh alright thats fair I guess, thought it was cuz of her looks
She is pretty behind the dumb faces she make
hope she manifested a Rich Baby Daddy instead of one who will not be there to support the kid
especially bc of her busy career.
hope things go well with her pregnancy
most people in her team probably told her to terminate it
This was her on October 3rd:
maybe shes just constipated