this isn’t THAT bad
but it’s too polished to go up in a party setting, while also being too ratchet for pop radio
idk who they aiming for with this lol
Iggy Azaela vibes wtf. Bring back quality control
This is disrespectful to Iggy. At least Iggy had better music
You’re one of them!!!!
You said that you’re my friend, but
You’re one of them, one of THEM
tell me that i’m wrong!!!
try to sing me your ego song…
this isn’t THAT bad
but it’s too polished to go up in a party setting, while also being too ratchet for pop radio
idk who they aiming for with this lol
Empire music
when i heard they had a collab coming, i was actually looking forward to it. mainly bc i fw Bruno heavy
but this was such a disappointment smh
Bruno know what he’s doing
One more smash single otw. He’ll take the filler hate
ofc he likes this s***
when i heard they had a collab coming, i was actually looking forward to it. mainly bc i fw Bruno heavy
but this was such a disappointment smh
Crazy cause this was exactly what I expected from these two lol
im ngl lowkey
His cult fanbase hates when he likes a song they want him to s*** on
Crazy cause this was exactly what I expected from these two lol
i mean… i was expecting the song to be ratchet and “shockingly” hypersexual bc it is Sexyy Red and Bruno has gone there numerous times in his other songs. i’m not critiquing it bc of those aspects
but i was also expecting it to be a banger as well. i enjoyed STICKY by Tyler & Sexyy so i was expecting Bruno to cook up something to match it. sadly this just wasn’t it. Bruno sounds good as usual but there’s nothing great or unique about this song that makes me wanna play it again. it just feels like a cash grab
i also noticed that Sexy was credited before Bruno when i listened to it, which may explain why it didn’t hit w me. like it’s technically a duet, but it’s more of a Sexyy Red song that features Bruno Mars as opposed to a Bruno Mars song with Sexyy Red, which i thought it was gonna be. so i guess it's partly my fault for not taking the song for what it is, but it’s still a disappointment to me