Can’t really find a promo clip to put in OP but if someone does send my way!
Out on netflix now, seems to be getting a lot of buzz. don’t really know if this is the sxn for standup or if a threads been made but, what y’all think for those who watched it?
I’m glad people are getting hip to him now once snl fired him people talked about him like he lost his chance and that couldn’t be further from the truth
I’m glad people are getting hip to him now once snl fired him people talked about him like he lost his chance and that couldn’t be further from the truth
probably did more for his career lol
i thought it was funny tho and idr usually f*** with standup. need to watch it with a group tho cause some of the stuff just didn’t really hit for me, but his style of telling jokes is very masterful. loops everything full circle, and straddles the the politics talk amazingly
I’m glad people are getting hip to him now once snl fired him people talked about him like he lost his chance and that couldn’t be further from the truth
I also appreciate how he just kept it moving. He said at the time I get why a show like SNL would wanna fire him and get ahead of any backlash, didn’t grovel or go on a ‘they cancelled me’ podcast/media tour.
He just kept it going and now is 1000x bigger than he would’ve been if he was the trump guy on SNL
probably did more for his career lol
He's probably making more of his Patreon than he would if he were still on SNL.
Shane is the f***ing man. Probably gonna be top in a few years. But pleaaaaseee chill with the GOAT title.
Best special I’ve seen since his last one. I laughed so hard my throat hurt, but I think I would have laughed even harder with a like minded group of friends. Shane is like that one funny guy everyone has known in regular life who’s more hilarious than the professionals, but if that person actually became a professional and mastered that format.
Stand up comedy is long dead. He's a podcaster like everyone else
Sure, but his stand up specials are still some of the best in years. Also stand up is doing better than it’s done in over a decade. Like it’s just objectively still popular. Really hard laughs on his podcasts are way more spread out. This is closer in its density of actual great comedy as the skits he does with Gilly & Keeves.
You all can squirt, actually.
Stand up comedy is long dead. He's a podcaster like everyone else
Stand up is dead to you it’s still thriving
Stand up comedy is long dead. He's a podcaster like everyone else
There’s a guy named Redbar who’d agree with you…
Shane is the goat man, shouts out to Matt
The shaman’s special was really good too. It’s free on YouTube everyone should peep
There’s a guy named Redbar who’d agree with you…
One of the biggest idiots on YouTube.
To the guy who said stand up is dead here’s why he’s factually wrong
! events are booming. In general. In an increasingly consolidated way at the top of the pile.