F*** dat nigga
And if he ever comes to Chicago for this dumbass library I am going to say it to his face
people were going off about Lucy Dacus / boygenius not f***ing with it? I don't remember
Yup. It was the trademark KTT misogyny on full display
Gata only is crazy @Hndrxx_Free
Gata only is crazy @Hndrxx_Free
Bro put the Karol G song and Gata only
Nigga just searched most popular latino songs in 2024 and put them there to seem cool
Now show us the real list. This is carefully curated list.
I wanna see his Spotify wrapped
It's obviously his daughter make these
I’d like to think they have more interesting taste than this
F*** dat nigga
And if he ever comes to Chicago for this dumbass library I am going to say it to his face
my fault gang. Recognize in 2008 I couldn't vote yet I was like 16. I had white people coming up to me saying "congratulations on the black president. ". Thats my black and mild origin story in some ways because I wanted to slap the f*** out of them
"congrats you now have an oppressor of muslims too"
I hated on bush. I knew obama would only be able to change so much especially when he dropped cornel west
when he betrayed cornel for the craquers then made being a war criminal "the Cool" I wanted his nose wiped
then they arguing over a f***ing suit
f*** that nigga and everyone who makes excuses for his b**** ass
Gangs dont f*** with that nigga either
selling weapon to the carteles isnt loved by chicago gang members
delivering chapo to trump then suddenly the fentanyl rates skyrocket because no real d*** dealer puts ricin in their d**** because they arent trying to KILL their addicts they are trying to create a good product
this f*** nigga such a b**** and his list is always whichever artist they can control for their agenda so they never have another lupe fiasco inaguaration situation again but the audience is too dumb to realize
Obama did everything libtards pretend they hate Trump for x100, he was just way more slick about
cuz these people don’t actually care about principles, just the presentation. As long as it’s not on my tv screen and as long as the Fuhrer is polite and black so I can feel good about myself while he kills hundreds of thousands of people instead of being uncouth and mean like the bad orange man I can go back to brunch
Obama did everything libtards pretend they hate Trump for x100, he was just way more slick about
cuz these people don’t actually care about principles, just the presentation. As long as it’s not on my tv screen and as long as the Fuhrer is polite and black so I can feel good about myself while he kills hundreds of thousands of people instead of being uncouth and mean like the bad orange man I can go back to brunch
Obama did everything libtards pretend they hate Trump for x100, he was just way more slick about
cuz these people don’t actually care about principles, just the presentation. As long as it’s not on my tv screen and as long as the Fuhrer is polite and black so I can feel good about myself while he kills hundreds of thousands of people instead of being uncouth and mean like the bad orange man I can go back to brunch
Damn some heat packed in here
Par for the course with politics, same as the “kids in cages at the border” narratives stopped as soon as Biden got in office even tho it was still going down
love this time of year when people tell us someone they don't know at all couldn't possibly be consuming the music and film they claim to be