Didn't like Shazam 1s trailer but liked the movie, so not tripping about this trailer even though I don't think its bad.
This trailer music is ATROCIOUS
Generic epic music with Drake saying started from the bottom at random intervals
SFTB did not fit the trailer at all.
S*** made it seem fan-made.
Black Adam trailer had Ye music.
Black Adam's rival: Shazam
Ye's rival : Drake
Drake's vocals did sound too slow for a trailer song though
Bad trailer doesn’t mean bad movie
lets hope the movie doesnt have bad editing.
LMFAO. Trailer showed too much and seemed like a mash up of everything we have seen in hero movies for 20 years
what a dumbass
Pfizer as a company is though . This tweet isn’t necessarily anti vax . Why do we worship pharmaceutical companies now ?
Levi outta here
Pfizer as a company is though . This tweet isn’t necessarily anti vax . Why do we worship pharmaceutical companies now ?
Fair if he’s talking about the company
He is not wrong
Zachery MAY mean the capitalisation/commodification of healthcare and pharmaceuticals is a danger to the world, but the guy he quote tweeted’s page/likes are full of project veritas, antivax stuff + lots of generic anti blue haired liberal stuff + pro Andrew tate stuff + anti trans stuff
Not sure if Zach actually follows him or just saw that randomly. Guess we wait for the notes app explanation
Edit: Zach follows Ben Shapiro & Steven Crowder on Twitter. It’s Over