This is what all studios should do. As soon as setpics of costumes leak just release an actual video so it looks better
I hope the lighting and costume design is miles better in this. First movie big d00k. Don't have high hopes for this one
You trash bro
This is what all studios should do. As soon as setpics of costumes leak just release an actual video so it looks better
This is what all studios should do. As soon as setpics of costumes leak just release an actual video so it looks better Batman, Shazam, Flash next?
The Batman, Shazam, Flash next?
When / If setpics leak hopefully
So far haven't seen anything of the Flash besides some picture of the Wayne manor
When / If setpics leak hopefully
So far haven't seen anything of the Flash besides some picture of the Wayne manor
Feel like Flash is going to be very behind closed doors due to the nature of the movie.
But Fandome in October so we’ll definitely see something this year
Zach looking good 👀
guess what you crybaby?
the costume design got better.
you a WHOLE goofy
guess what you crybaby?
the costume design got better.
you a WHOLE goofy
You really mad Shazam is the best DCEU movie????
You really mad Shazam is the best DCEU movie????
so you deflect and pivot away from the initial point.
a sign of low intelligence.
Temple of Doom/Jurassic Park feel. Can go from scary af to landing a light gag.
One of the few movies to do to the Goonies/ET young ensemble right without trying too hard
Yeah I bet they are sweet