I really don’t know fr. Especially when she did me dirty asf. It’s not like I don’t have anyone else either. I’m with someone already but SOMETHING has got me hooked on her that I can’t let go.
Let her go brother it’s for the best. Esp if she has nothing to offer. Take her off tiktok too it will help fr
Yeah I think so
yea dam
its over
Kill your ego, numb your heart, drink room temperature don julio, smoke black and mild
There is no moving on op. Just an empty void replacing her in your heart. It’s all downhill from here. Let the sadness consume you and join the rest of us. why wont she take me back
I really don’t know fr. Especially when she did me dirty asf. It’s not like I don’t have anyone else either. I’m with someone already but SOMETHING has got me hooked on her that I can’t let go.
Cuz u trynna seek vengeance with ur peen. Manly conquest type s***. FOMO type s***.
But u gotta realize she only called u back to argue, if she wanted to talk y’all would be rn.
Sometimes u just gotta believe your lucky and that this is prolly for the better and walk out wit ur head high
&& delete her on tiktok; playin lil boy games gonna win u lil boy prizes. That voyeur s*** is for the birds, if she wanna see u she know where u at
Go out, work out. Anything to distract your mind from that. Try to stay away from social media as far as you can, that s*** just makes you overthink like a mfer. Pretty much just focus on yourself, everything else will come along smoothly. Good luck!
Did she suck d*** better? Ride it? Did she feed you better? Make you feel better, talk to you better? Was she more fun to be around?
If the answer to any of these is no, then it’s not anything special about her - it’s about something missing in you
Do some shadow work, a***yze your flaws. This isn’t a relationship or dating issue it’s an identity issue on a character level
Do some shadow work, a***yze your flaws. This isn’t a relationship or dating issue it’s an identity issue on a character level
You always talking facts
@op you’ll be ok. I’ve already seen you’re on your improvement tip, so this is just one of those harder moments on the road to fulfillment. Not every step of that will be pretty, you’ll be challenged emotionally. But those are the moments that really count cause if you can master your turmoil you can master anything. Turn this pain into an opportunity to boost your own ego by being strong through this
Did she suck d*** better? Ride it? Did she feed you better? Make you feel better, talk to you better? Was she more fun to be around?
If the answer to any of these is no, then it’s not anything special about her - it’s about something missing in you
yeah youre right
im going through the same s*** rn, and its hard af because i dont know why she did the things she did.
but she didnt want me for a reason. And i think trying to make sense of everything makes it worse. sometimes there's no explanation for some things and its better to have it be that way then to rationalize it. and its been helping me a bit.