  • Dec 29, 2022

    I can't do this s*** for 40 years man. Waking up every day and doing the same damn thing at the same damn place..

    Even if it's my passion. I cant repeat myself over an over again. I'm getting f***ing depressed.

    How can I make my life more interesting. How can I generate like 3k per month as passive income to get out of this hell-cycle?

  • Shinobi 🍵
    Dec 29, 2022

    W**** yourself out

  • Dec 29, 2022

    Good luck

  • Dec 29, 2022
    2 replies


    But it’s not passive income, nothing really is unless u already got like 8 figures

  • Dec 29, 2022
    1 reply

    How can I make my life more interesting

    What does an interesting life have to do with passive income?

  • Dec 29, 2022

    How can I make my life more interesting

    What does an interesting life have to do with passive income?


  • WINTER 🌨️
    Dec 29, 2022
    2 replies

    there is no escape

  • Dec 29, 2022
    1 reply

    there is no escape

    Are u ok


    there is no escape

    We work
    To earn the right to work

  • Dec 29, 2022
    2 replies

    Gotta have money to be able to that in the first place

  • Dec 29, 2022
    Scratchin Mamba

    Gotta have money to be able to that in the first place

  • Dec 29, 2022
    2 replies
    Scratchin Mamba

    Gotta have money to be able to that in the first place

    i got 30k in the bank is that enough?

    what should i start doing?

  • Dec 29, 2022

    Rental properties

  • Kenig 💭
    Dec 29, 2022

    Just dont sweat it

  • Dec 29, 2022

    “Passive income” is a buzzword mostly.

    Focus on getting a good career

  • Dec 29, 2022
    2 replies


    But it’s not passive income, nothing really is unless u already got like 8 figures

    I know this nigga did not say crypto

  • Dec 29, 2022

    yeee most passive incomes require a bank roll to start up tbh.

  • Dec 29, 2022

    best thing would be to work on a side project whatever it be, could legit be anything, and then try and monetize it.

  • Dec 29, 2022

    Be rich

  • Dec 29, 2022

    I need submissive income

  • Dec 29, 2022
    2 replies

    i got 30k in the bank is that enough?

    what should i start doing?

    If you have 30k I'd suggest learning and upskilling so you can earn more. Upskilling will also give you more leeway to move jobs and build the life you want. Might also give you more leeway to save enough and move to a country where your money is worth a lot more if that's what you want to do.

  • Dec 29, 2022
    2 replies

    fanduel is the answer

  • Dec 29, 2022

    fanduel is the answer

  • Dec 29, 2022
    2 replies

    If you have 30k I'd suggest learning and upskilling so you can earn more. Upskilling will also give you more leeway to move jobs and build the life you want. Might also give you more leeway to save enough and move to a country where your money is worth a lot more if that's what you want to do.

    does that reaction mean that it's good money or not enough ?