in theaters
never watched before
i know it’s a classic and goated ststus but for anime i prefer lighter s*** like rom com and slice of life so i been avoiding this s***
ayo it's in theaters i might have to peep too
“This is like the second wave all over again” had me ctfu
Overtaken Barbie as the funniest movie of the year
This Charli song during the end credits hittin
My fav Charli song easily no question
i only threw this party for you @eclass
i only threw this party for you @eclass
ooh i heard about this. did this come out yet, husband?
this is probably one of the highest joke-per-minute comedies in a long while. so many good jokes you can miss even just in the background of scenes. missed that from comedy movies
I’m not sure if we all watched the same movie
The word I would use to describe this is “weird”. And not in a clever subversive way. Like the entire movie felt like a joke I wasn’t in on. There was no world building nor any concrete commitment to the absurdities of their world and it just felt awkward throughout.
That being said the performances were great but man could this have used a better script and maybe a better director
this is probably one of the highest joke-per-minute comedies in a long while. so many good jokes you can miss even just in the background of scenes. missed that from comedy movies
Love me some breathless comedy. In
I’m not sure if we all watched the same movie
The word I would use to describe this is “weird”. And not in a clever subversive way. Like the entire movie felt like a joke I wasn’t in on. There was no world building nor any concrete commitment to the absurdities of their world and it just felt awkward throughout.
That being said the performances were great but man could this have used a better script and maybe a better director
Are all the jokes like the Marshawn clip in here?
Spent all day yesterday planning to see this when I got off work. I spent all day thinking about it. I even bought 2 tickets to 2 different show times, because I wasn't sure what time I'd get to the the theatre at I have A-List so the tickets are free.
My most anticipated film of the year. I've been counting down the months, weeks and days until I finally got to see this.
So tell me why my b**** ass theatre, and every other theatre for 150+ miles isn't showing this until next week.
My tickets are for next Thursday, I didn't notice until I walked into the the theatre and some movie narrated by Tiffany Haddish was playing. I don't deserve this...
unlike barbie this movie let the women be the funniest part of the movie
Oooooh s***
Need more coming of age comedy teen flicks like this to come back. My favorite genre fr fr.
Never seen so many laughs repeatedly from a crowd in recent memory
This was so f***ing ridiculous but it somehow worked
Much of the promo didn’t do this film justice at all
perfect blue boyz
where u at @twitch u watching perfect blue next week too?
Damn who knows what perfect blue is but f*** it I’m in
Just got out
This was really good I enjoyed it
Nah but bros was so f***ing ass it’s good to see an actual good gay comedy.
This is now a bros hate thread I hate that movie so much