  • Dec 24, 2020

    600 isn’t much... crazy Trump is turning on the republicans and fighting to give more for the American people. instead of giving money to other countries...Sucks how the government always slides other variables into bills, when the people are desperate. Same 💩 happened after 9/11 with the Patriots act 🇺🇸 Is the current stimulus fair? Should Americans get 2000 and more??

  • hot pancakes 🥞
    Dec 24, 2020
    1 reply

    we should get at least $2000

    the dems care more about other countries than they do american people

    the republicans care more about themselves and other rich people than the american people

    it’s the perfect storm for some bullshit

  • Dec 24, 2020
    2 replies
    hot pancakes

    we should get at least $2000

    the dems care more about other countries than they do american people

    the republicans care more about themselves and other rich people than the american people

    it’s the perfect storm for some bullshit

    Not sure why you’re saying that about the Dems

    They’ve always wanted more for us

  • hot pancakes 🥞
    Dec 24, 2020
    2 replies

    Not sure why you’re saying that about the Dems

    They’ve always wanted more for us

    the bill they just wrote includes billions of dollars of funding to other countries, while only giving american people $600. that tells me all i need to know tbh

  • Dec 24, 2020
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    the bill they just wrote includes billions of dollars of funding to other countries, while only giving american people $600. that tells me all i need to know tbh

    Isn’t because that’s all Republicans would approve?

  • hot pancakes 🥞
    Dec 24, 2020

    Isn’t because that’s all Republicans would approve?

    that’s the cycle, more funding could have been allocated to the american people if we weren’t so concerned with foreign relief packages to other countries, but they had a budget to work with and it’s what we ended up with. republican had their demands, democrats had theirs

    plus now with trump asking for 2k there’s no excuse now. american people must see at least 2k

    i do admit i prefer dems over republicans, but i find the two party system outdated and ineffective

  • Dec 24, 2020
    2 replies

    Not sure why you’re saying that about the Dems

    They’ve always wanted more for us

    Pelosi literally said $600 is enough for Americans

  • Dec 24, 2020
    Sixty 5

    Pelosi literally said $600 is enough for Americans


  • Dec 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Sixty 5

    Pelosi literally said $600 is enough for Americans

    Did she say that $600 is enough, or did she say that $600 is better than nothing after months of fruitless negotiations? Pelosi has no leverage.

    They have been bouncing better options off of McConnell’s thick skull since this pandemic started, but you’re more worried about owning the libs!

    You corny internet leftists are intolerable.

  • EuroNymous 🦘
    Dec 24, 2020

    I guess so cause it’s only first world country not to have stimulus package

  • Dec 24, 2020
    1 reply


  • Dec 24, 2020
    1 reply
    hot pancakes

    the bill they just wrote includes billions of dollars of funding to other countries, while only giving american people $600. that tells me all i need to know tbh

    The stimulus bill was attached to the omnibus bill. That’s why you are seeing the foreign aid and most of the other stuff not related to COVID relief in it. Dems have been pushing for $2,000 or at least another $1,200 for months. The Republicans didn’t want to do it because now they have switched to being fiscally responsible again until the next time they have the senate and there’s a Republican in office.

    Also, a lot of what Trump complained about were his own budget requests:

  • TragedyBerlusconi


  • Dec 28, 2020

    Anti-maskers should get $0

  • Dec 28, 2020

    Stop these ed questions

  • Dec 28, 2020

    The stimulus bill was attached to the omnibus bill. That’s why you are seeing the foreign aid and most of the other stuff not related to COVID relief in it. Dems have been pushing for $2,000 or at least another $1,200 for months. The Republicans didn’t want to do it because now they have switched to being fiscally responsible again until the next time they have the senate and there’s a Republican in office.

    Also, a lot of what Trump complained about were his own budget requests:

    the point is there's no reason for half the stuff in the omnibus bill to exist in the first place when it could be going to America and Americans (regardless of COVID)

  • We should be planning to pay people to get the vaccine

  • Dec 28, 2020
    1 reply

    everyone should be entitled to universal basic income, education, accommodation, nutritional food, free healthcare, and career/job opportunities imo

  • Dec 28, 2020
    1 reply

    everyone should be entitled to universal basic income, education, accommodation, nutritional food, free healthcare, and career/job opportunities imo


    Too bad we would need a full blown revolution inciting violence to come close to that in the next 50 years

  • Dec 28, 2020
    Bo Ceephus


    Too bad we would need a full blown revolution inciting violence to come close to that in the next 50 years

    😔 it's a long way way i agree

    i'm fortunate that in the uk we have access to free healthcare. i wish they had a similar system everywhere else.

  • Dec 28, 2020
    Buckleys Angel

    Did she say that $600 is enough, or did she say that $600 is better than nothing after months of fruitless negotiations? Pelosi has no leverage.

    They have been bouncing better options off of McConnell’s thick skull since this pandemic started, but you’re more worried about owning the libs!

    You corny internet leftists are intolerable.

    I agree.

    But Joe Biden still a little b****