you gotta rip that s*** off like a bandaid and delete all of it, in the short term it may hurt like a b**** but its something that needs to be done to move on
Yeah best to forget her imo and get rid of anything you deem might be tempting for you to relapse.
She sounds bad for you & an issue overall that even crosses the line of trust, & without trust then a real conmitted relationship has nothing and will fall apart again.
Anything can be forgivable except trust imo.
Let it go bro. It’s for the best. All things with a start date have an end date.
You need to move on to bigger and better things
Hanging on to the past won’t do anything but make you sad about the past
I know it’s hard but it’s necessary
how long were you guys together @op
I don't it might help you move on, maybe put them in a folder where you're not looking at them every other day or something.
Memories are dope & should be cherished, but yeah in reality stay away & get rid kf whatever might tempt you.
Good luck
I deleted mine in a similar situation. I like reminiscing of the time we had, but it was getting to be too much esp when ya phone makes em pop up and s***
Yeah trust is the number 1 thing above all to make a real relationship work long term.
You're still young enough tho so its all good. Lot of people in their young 20s are still trying to figure s*** n themselves out. It'll get better/easier once you reach the mid or later 20s.
Im about to be 25 myself. Dont sweat it but you also cant let it ruin you before you even get fully staryed.
Theres a lot that happens in life from 20 to 24 - 26.
I threw out the pictures between me and my ex. Not just threw out I smashed them
I still want her back
Meditate on your life spent with her. Take everything you need from the memories. Let go of your attachment to her. It's over and you are blessed. Then delete everything. Burn something even. Turn it into a ritual and be done. Onto the brightness ahead of you.
I deleted everything right after we broke up. Kinda regret it though, I'm at the point where I can look back and smile without being hurt. Wish I could look back here and there at the cute texts and appreciate it for what it was at that time in my life
@op like diary of a wimpy kid but for ktt
Delete it all. Easier said than done but better in the long run