Not worth potentially catching a charge
Just smash his windows up and post a note through his door that says ' I know what u did ' in menacing writing
Dudes a lame but nothing you said seems fight worthy
Call him out on it or make fun of him for the goofy activity.
fight my friend up
Talk to him instead of fighting, idk why people go to fighting immediately. Yall adults.
Any nigga using the suicide play is a sicko
Let the hoes choose, me bro, live by that and life is so easy
@OP said "Finally," like the previous paragraphs really added anything
If you cared about the nigga you would focus more on checking him into a clinic than checking him with a primitive showcase of masculinity... for anyone to use suicide as a tool of manipulation, is clearly going down a very dark path imo
Just say you wanna fight him cause he f***ed your ex fam
Don't know how old you are, but a real man doesn't handle situations like this with violence. Cut them out of your life and find other people who genuinely respect you. These people are not worth your time. Also, who the f*** posts tiktoks about their exes? That's some loser s***.