  • im a 20 year old dude who works as a pick/packer with ambitions to be an artist. i havent gone a day without checking some sort of social media in probably a decade. my early adolescence was spent on youtube and minecraft.
    i feel brain rotted.

    i have loving friends & family, a gf & everything i need, but im still pretty consistently prone to depressive episodes & general existential dread. is this just normal 20 year old male s***? should i throw my phone in a river? am i little loser tiddy baby? thoughts?

  • Sep 3
    1 reply

    try it for sure

  • Sep 3
    2 replies

    try it for sure

    aw geez i dont like snake though

  • sekky

    aw geez i dont like snake though

    try pacman instead

  • you can set a time limit on your apps

  • tbh if it wasn't for music and my friends communicating through instagram i would've replaced my phone with one already

  • Nah, just have better self control and limit yourself so you’re not doom scrolling all the time

    Set goals of what you want to achieve daily in whatever field of art you’re in and when that’s complete, you can be on social media all you want

    You can compromise in a good way. You can do your art and still always check social media. Moderation and self control is key

  • If having a smartphone is affecting you that much then I'd say go for it.

  • Sep 3
    1 reply

    I can see this taking off. Phone that is annoying to use but unlike dumb phones it can be clutch at times where you need to use smart features

  • sekky

    aw geez i dont like snake though

    this a funny ass response💀💀

  • I’d have one in my room Just to
    Rewind me im lucky I wasent from that era and the iPhone came out when I was in school

  • loser tiddy baby

  • No get the latest Sidekick. Thank me later through PayPal.

  • An old-school nokia running KaiOS was my daily driver for 6 months. Try it out. You really don't miss out on anything. If you still want to have apps, check this one out:

  • BRUNTZ 🖤
    Sep 4

    u trappin?

  • BRUNTZ 🖤
    Sep 4

    na i feel the op though i hate social media and would leave it behind in a instant if i didnt have music to promote and specific ppl i can only contact on certain platforms

  • replace phone with whippets

  • replace phone with job

  • Post fit pic to assess

  • delete the apps you dont need and delete the pre-saved data of them

    the redownloading and re-setup process will probably keep you from going to get them again

    also yes you are a tiddy baby

  • ·
    2 replies

    I can see this taking off. Phone that is annoying to use but unlike dumb phones it can be clutch at times where you need to use smart features

    f*** is that, a kindle?

  • JaeRell

    f*** is that, a kindle?

    p much coz it doesn't have a sim card. it's straight up not a phone at all.

    with a better camera + sim card I would be kinda interested in it tho ngl

  • You’re also just 20
    I dont want to downplay your episodes, but your brain is still developing and figuring things out.

    If you feel dread after checking your phone and feel like it controls your life, then definitely go for it

  • JaeRell

    f*** is that, a kindle?

    it is lol

  • but fr @op I tried this some years back and didn't even use the mf for like a single day. change your behaviors before you look to a product to solve your problems. build your awareness and spend your time doing what you really want to do in each moment