  • Aug 4, 2020

    If you asking the question, no.

  • Aug 4, 2020

    nah its not abandoned, I just pay half the rent for a room but I'm not on the lease so no paper work follows me whatsoever, I'm pretty low key atm

    We going half on room's? Ok

  • Aug 4, 2020

    y’all listen to too much rap music

    ppl sell out their crib all the time. just don’t be dumb about it. like obvs it’s gonna be custys that shouldn’t know where you live but ppl you can trust like the homies or lame ass old ppl/white kids is fine.

    I’ve done it, I have friends who move way more than me have way more s*** at their crib do it all the time as well. Just depends on who you serving.

    I’m also asian tho and most of my custys when I was trapping was other asian college kids/art scene kids so I’m sure that also had a lot to do w me not getting robbed/snitched on or whatever

    Messy, you don't make real money consistently moving like a teenager or some f boy using rap termanology when they just middle men. These cringe ass kids talking about plug this plug that.

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Trappin ain’t dead, my connect still breathin

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Just got evicted out of my crib cuz the landlord sent videos of me selling d**** in front of my building....

    I'm living at this new spot now (rented room) and i need bread badly, all i got is a full time job but that ain't cutting it tbh....

    Should i go back to part time trapping in my new spot? Its the only way i kno how to make real $$$ but im scared of getting kicked out again (really convenient location close to the city)

    No joke if your landlord is catching you slipping than it might not be cutout for you

    You have a full time job which is a lot more than what some people can claim. Trapping because you want to and not cause you have to seems corny

  • Aug 4, 2020

    askin feds this

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    yes. get that bread

  • Aug 4, 2020

    y’all listen to too much rap music

    ppl sell out their crib all the time. just don’t be dumb about it. like obvs it’s gonna be custys that shouldn’t know where you live but ppl you can trust like the homies or lame ass old ppl/white kids is fine.

    I’ve done it, I have friends who move way more than me have way more s*** at their crib do it all the time as well. Just depends on who you serving.

    I’m also asian tho and most of my custys when I was trapping was other asian college kids/art scene kids so I’m sure that also had a lot to do w me not getting robbed/snitched on or whatever

    You dumb as hell for this comment nigga

    People selling out the house doesn’t make it smart

    Not every place is the suburbs where s*** goes unnoticed or b) the projects where nobody cares

    Making your residence hot is the last thing you wanna do, ever.

    To OP no f*** that lil allowance money isn’t worth the stress unless you’re really precise and saving it. Work that 9-5 instead

    If you really need cash make a plan to go all in for a couple months don’t be no dimebag ass courier

  • Aug 4, 2020

  • Aug 4, 2020

    yea keep trapping!

  • Aug 4, 2020

    yea keep trapping!

  • Aug 4, 2020

    y’all listen to too much rap music

    ppl sell out their crib all the time. just don’t be dumb about it. like obvs it’s gonna be custys that shouldn’t know where you live but ppl you can trust like the homies or lame ass old ppl/white kids is fine.

    I’ve done it, I have friends who move way more than me have way more s*** at their crib do it all the time as well. Just depends on who you serving.

    I’m also asian tho and most of my custys when I was trapping was other asian college kids/art scene kids so I’m sure that also had a lot to do w me not getting robbed/snitched on or whatever

    depends if you got people coming and going all the time its suss, one my mates used to deal decent amount and one point he had people coming and going all the time which made people around him suspicious af and basically stopped dealing to strangers and only to good friends (he used shout me anyways at times as i used kick it after school)

  • Aug 4, 2020

    -Karl Marx

  • Aug 4, 2020

    Are you sure you can't get out that life and make a decent income doing something else

  • Fundamentals

    No joke if your landlord is catching you slipping than it might not be cutout for you

    You have a full time job which is a lot more than what some people can claim. Trapping because you want to and not cause you have to seems corny

    Bruhhh what u mean trappin bcuz i want to not bcuz i need to

    Nigga this full time job does not cut it, i been existing on lipton iced tea and crackers and cheese for the past monh and i had to sleep on my friends couch until i was able to secure this place...

    I dont have any plan B or safety net....all 9f my family lives far and we are not close by any standard

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply
    Chris M

    yes. get that bread

    Versace Viet s***ting on the game u gotta love it @Vietbrah

  • Aug 4, 2020

    the landlord didn't send it, the superintendent sent it to the owner of the building/landlord. I said landlord by mistake.

    I find this hilarious too cuz the owners daughter is a well known coke head who once copped an 8ball from one of my boys who lives on the 5th floor

    Imagine writing that last sentence

  • Being a dealer in 2020

    In the age of socially acceptable snitching, facial recognition technology, and the encroachment of the surveillance state, being a low-level dealer pitching dimes is not a viable position for the long term. The cops aren't stupid; they know exactly what you're doing, and they are watching.

    You want to be a distributor and keep your face out of the public eye.

    You can do this two ways: travel to Mexico and meet suppliers, or whack your current plug and assume control over his business. With the second option, you may elect to use your new reputation to levy a tax on all of the dealers in your jurisdiction -- 10% of all sales is typical -- but you must be willing to use force to maintain authority.

    If you do this right, you will go from a junior varsity street dealer to a major league pitcher, making millions through taxes alone.

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    how do you have a full time job and struggle to pay for a room?

  • dæshon

    how do you have a full time job and struggle to pay for a room?

    By living in NYC

  • Sloth

    yea keep trapping!

  • Aug 4, 2020

    yea keep trapping!

  • Aug 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Versace Viet s***ting on the game u gotta love it @Vietbrah

    r u a f.aggot?

  • Aug 4, 2020
    Chris M

    r u a f.aggot?

    Who dafuk r u b****?!?!

  • Aug 4, 2020

    how many ppl saying don’t trap out your house ever really sold before lol