Religion is a fraud. Get some p**** and keep it moving
You gonna get old and be pissed you were a virgin for some s*** that wasn’t even real
Just throwing it out there — the whole “wait until marriage for sex” thing sounds p bad when you take into account the fact that it will probably lead you to rushing an engagement/marriage cause you wanna bone.
But idk, arguing that turns everything into a religion argument thread which we don’t need another of
Also, anti depressants don’t have the same side effects for everyone. Also, they have a lot of other side effects. Also, even if it lowers your s***drive, it doesn’t necessarily make you asexual. Also, a lot of people have depression as a withdrawal side effect if you’ve been taking it for a long time, and it doesn’t sound like you wanna be on these your whole life.
Also you're going to be wack asf in bed. Ain't nobody tryna pop yo cherry at 25 nigga
Instead of thinkin about crackin some backs you should be thinkin about crackin open some books
The FDA has been sued by a consumer protection organization for failing to address the problem of permanent sexual dysfunction after treatment with SSRI and SNRI antidepressants
in case you were still on the fence
hot off the press btw, happened today, im tapped in
Thank you for this, genuinely. Guess I’ll just have to strive against myself with no anti-depressants involved
The freakman thoughts got OP sweatin in his room considering f***in antidepressants
Nigga you should thank the lord err day your stick up at all times. I need bleu chew just for shawty to rise up
How did I miss this wtf
Taking anti depressants to f*** up your hormones to stop something naturally occurring for religious reasons is a funny paradox imo
It’s a natural urge to have s***n s*** . U should date at least even if u not f***in so u understand women.