*I used to print out rap lyrics in 2000 on dial up and put them in a folder because it always took to long to load up a lyric.
My mom bought me word of mouf on cassette cauae Ludacris was my favorite rapper as a kid but wouldn't let me listen to it after she heard all the cursing
Stanning Ja Rule during the 50 Cent beef and quickly realizing I was on the losing side. So many arguments I lost
I remember watching Sisqo’s thong song on TRL when I was 5 and was mesmerized. Not by the b****es, but the Melodies and by that niggas hair
Distinctly remember some kid telling me that his favorite song was Soulja Boy in kindergarten
Listening to Eternal Atake deluxe on the last day I was in high school
First watched Chief Keef "I Don't Like" on my Wii
I remember watching the Paris Hilton tape on RealPlayer
RealPlayer and downloading viruses and trojans off of Limewire and BearShare thinking I'm downloading lil wayne mp3s
Them were the days
I don't think kids are getting pressured to buy mixtapes on the street these days, very sad. Who's gonna strongly imply they should hand over $20 for a ripped CD of the lowest quality radio freestyles? A parent or loved one? Unlikely
There's always that one dude in NYC. You know the one
downloading music period is oldhead s*** but i did that until i threw my last phone and broke the sd card
Real ones know Limewire was one of the newer downloading services.
Where my Kazam niggas at
There's always that one dude in NYC. You know the one
Thanks for giving me a reason to use this
i used to only have room for 3 albums of songs on my first cell phone