I ruined four family computers using lime wire to download the Marshall Mathers lp
my first American concert was Pop Disaster tour.
if you ever bought a cd from tower records retail store you can’t call me old cause you old af too
Blueprint came out on 9/11. I actually drove over to the bootleg man that was by Queens Center mall around 7 that night. Skies were still smoky and not many people were out. I needed that new Hov tho. I remember sitting on my stoop and smoking a blunt while I listened to it watching the fighter jets patrol the skies thinking the world was about to end
That’s a damn story wow
in 7th grade i was in the middle of a pull up test during PE and was reciting the lyrics to Half & Half by Playboi Carti in my head to motivate me. S/T had dropped the previous week, I was very elated.
Blueprint came out on 9/11. I actually drove over to the bootleg man that was by Queens Center mall around 7 that night. Skies were still smoky and not many people were out. I needed that new Hov tho. I remember sitting on my stoop and smoking a blunt while I listened to it watching the fighter jets patrol the skies thinking the world was about to end
Wild story
but also how old are you tf
if you ever bought a cd from tower records retail store you can’t call me old cause you old af too
Used to go to Rasputins (idk if thats how it was spelled) CDs in bayarea as a kid
S*** had a big CD model halfway out the building iirc
4-5th grade got a iPod n set the passcode to 5465 cuz it spelled JimJ and we fly high was really popular round then
first cd i bought was tm101 by jeezy
Used to go to Rasputins (idk if thats how it was spelled) CDs in bayarea as a kid
S*** had a big CD model halfway out the building iirc
I bought my first Gucci mane cd from Rasputins in pleasant hill.
Used to go the one in Berkeley all the time in high school
Blueprint came out on 9/11. I actually drove over to the bootleg man that was by Queens Center mall around 7 that night. Skies were still smoky and not many people were out. I needed that new Hov tho. I remember sitting on my stoop and smoking a blunt while I listened to it watching the fighter jets patrol the skies thinking the world was about to end
my guy had a drivers license in 2001
my og respect
My mom bought my first 3 CD’s at a garage sale……
u an old head too
I bought my first Gucci mane cd from Rasputins in pleasant hill.
Used to go the one in Berkeley all the time in high school
S*** was heat my ma would take me there from time to time n let me pick out one to two cds for myself from the age of 7 to 10
My first pickups were College Dropout, Ice Cube greatest n Outkast speakerboxxx/love below store was super fye n did not care
watching heartless and love lockdown on mtv/vh1 before school 2nd grade
😂😂😂 wild times man. That s*** gave me a virus that had roaches crawling on the screen. I was f***ing shook b
Me dad made my tech cousin come over and teach me about VMs,
Was also p*** in the search history so me dad was 100% sure that was the issue
Nd introvert cuz who came over to fix it came from the findementalist christian side of the fam….
So the most awkward convo that ever was had took place
“So you should be a bit more careful ab what u click on, and also, why would you even be looking at thatt?!?! Thats a SIN!!”