  • proper 🔩
    Jul 1, 2021

    1995 and it was kpop

  • Jul 1, 2021

    Quality was the norm...if it made to mtv or bet it was fire with substance...simpler times bro

    Facts sounds amazing

  • 2004 The hunger for more

  • i made an online friend playing maplestory and he introduced me to queens of a stone age and red hot chili peppers back in 2005. that's when i started developing my own taste instead of listening to stuff other people put on. i eventually got into nu-metal and then death metal. trigger by in flames was the song that clicked with me first. good times

  • Jul 1, 2021

    @DAVIDP share ur story b

  • Jul 1, 2021

    I've been going to concerts since I was 5 so probably 2002

  • 2013

  • bought discovery at best buy and watched yeezus music videos in geometry

  • Jul 1, 2021

    i used to get up early every morning and watch music videos on VH1 before school.

    i begged my mom to load up my MP3 player with Stevie Wonder, the Beatles, Marvin Gaye, whatever she raised me with.

    then in middle school, my mom would give me maybe $20 once a month and i'd walk to the mall. i could buy 3 $5 used CDs at FYE. i slowly built up a collection of hundreds of CD's. i would pop it in my stereo, lie down, close my eyes and fall in a trance.

    then Youtube + Spotify changed my life and my whole music taste. now i'm more in love than i've ever been.

  • Jul 1, 2021

    I'd say 2004. Hearing this at 9 years old was life changing

  • Jul 1, 2021

    2006 but I was young af