  • CrimsonArk

    At least I can take solace in the fact that Alan Wake 2 was amazing.

    all i could think about watching the gameplay

  • May 31
    2 replies

    This s*** looks TERRIBLE.

  • Jesus Christ, is every single thing released from this Silent Hill revival gonna end up being trash?

  • May 31

    This s*** looks TERRIBLE.

    i’m so here for it

  • May 31

    Wait the Alone In The Dark remake came out already

    I was hearing a lot of praise for it that one summer and then a couple seasons later it was nowhere to be found.

    yeah they dropped it no promo nothing the game flopped so bad

  • May 31
    1 reply

    Game looks amazing man

    I know one thing fs though. I really hope this doesn’t flop like the alone in the dark remake. We really need more horror games man otherwise all we’re ever gonna have is resident evil

    So many legendary horror franchises just collecting dust

    Truly think this will be a huge release and huge for bloober. Sh2 is a classic and will sell off the name alone

  • Aquilla

    Wait the Alone In The Dark remake came out already

    I was hearing a lot of praise for it that one summer and then a couple seasons later it was nowhere to be found.

    Yeah it came out in march I believe?

    I’d definitely check it out now after they just gave it a huge update. Fixed a lot of bugs & added new game +

  • treeman

    Truly think this will be a huge release and huge for bloober. Sh2 is a classic and will sell off the name alone

    I’m wondering if not releasing it on xbox will hurt sales numbers?

    Long is it’s a success that’ll be great for all of us

  • May 31

    HMMM i like the steelbook

  • May 31
    1 reply

    i have no faith but i will be there day one for either a classic or a terrible game

    blair witch is straight up one of the worst games i’ve ever played

    layers of fear is just some boring horror game

    never played observer but actually supposed to be decent

    the medium seems awesome but man its just poo poo but there is some cool stuff in it

    I saw this clip of Jerma playing Layers of Fear at the part in this gif and it had me in tears.

    S*** cannot be serious

  • May 31

    I saw this clip of Jerma playing Layers of Fear at the part in this gif and it had me in tears.

    S*** cannot be serious

    see this is why im so cautious they really suck

  • May 31

    This s*** looks TERRIBLE.

    Nic Cage should Play James

  • Jun 6
    1 reply

    Something SuziHunter pointed out that I noticed is that the shift of the camera angle to over shoulder has led the remake being less “claustrophobic” compared to the original.

    Something I vividly remember from the OG is the unnaturally tight corridors which aren’t really gonna be re-creatable due to the space needed to compensate for the new camera placement.

  • Levin

    I present to you, angela anaconda

    yeah why did they f*** up her model so bad wtf

  • Jun 13
    1 reply

    also adding a dodge to this game

  • Notmyfirst

    also adding a dodge to this game

    I guess that's their attempt at modernizing but.....Silent Hill is not no gut punch b-movie horror flick type like Resident Evil. This is a carnal, surreal art house s***. I would prefer evading which is different from "dodging" and that is closer to what SH is than dodging

  • Jul 11
    1 reply

    Wonder if we’re even gonna get previews before release?

  • CrimsonArk

    Something SuziHunter pointed out that I noticed is that the shift of the camera angle to over shoulder has led the remake being less “claustrophobic” compared to the original.

    Something I vividly remember from the OG is the unnaturally tight corridors which aren’t really gonna be re-creatable due to the space needed to compensate for the new camera placement.

    it’s a very ill conceived video game unfortunately

  • Jul 19

    Wonder if we’re even gonna get previews before release?

    i doubt

  • People can say what they want I'm glad this is modernized lol I'm in my 30s and remember how clunky these games were back then. It'll be cool to play them how traditional games are now. I'm sure the difficulty accounts for it.

    People got the same complaint about snake eater, even though I think they already adopted the over the shoulder s*** for the DS or whatever version idk didn't play it. I know people were mad about twin snakes because it using that mgs 2 engine made it a lot different from the original game, and kind of broke certain boss fights etc. I did agree with that to an extent tbh. Gonna just play both SH and SE on higher difficulty.

  • Aug 18

    starting to get kinda excited

  • Aug 19
    2 replies

    These niggas dropped a trailer 12am pst

  • BrandonM

    These niggas dropped a trailer 12am pst


    Eddie's new character model

  • Aug 19
    1 reply

    Also that remix is terrible and doesn't match the original's tone at all. This is gonna be some ass.

  • BrandonM

    These niggas dropped a trailer 12am pst


    goes hard