  • Aug 29, 2020

    Been trying to reconstruct my food intake, and the news yesterday definitely showed me how f***ed my diet has been

    I think if I can start with just not pushing my daily limit on sugars and saturated fats, eat fast food less than 3 days a week...that’s a move

  • Aug 29, 2020

    Really gotta sleep more too

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    I was in your shoes not too long ago

    Look bruh, f*** all this “ease into it” type s***. You need to fix your s*** immediately. Look, I was eating fast food everyday man. I even would have moments where I drove to a fast food restaurant, but turned around and went back home without ordering anything.

    Here’s my rule: When you are at home. Make your food. Eat lean meats, fruits, vegetables, non-sugar breads, healthy fats. Do not get take out and take it back home. If you already hve junk food at home, throw it all away.

    That said; if you are invited to go out to eat with friends or family, don’t deprive yourself in that case. Limiting the crap foods to special occasions such as family or friend outings will keep you sane. But again, if you are at home, do not eat that s***. This rule has helped me a ton and keeps me sane.

    You need to quit this s*** cold turkey.

    Lastly, you need to realize how much it’s a privilege to eat healthy foods. Many people don’t have crumbs to eats. Be grateful and treat your body respectfully

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    yo i'm all about gut health, it's a topic i'm actually super into

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Microbiome gang 🦠

  • Aug 29, 2020

    Microbiome gang 🦠

    Rhonda Patrick lookin ass

  • Aug 29, 2020

    I was in your shoes not too long ago

    Look bruh, f*** all this “ease into it” type s***. You need to fix your s*** immediately. Look, I was eating fast food everyday man. I even would have moments where I drove to a fast food restaurant, but turned around and went back home without ordering anything.

    Here’s my rule: When you are at home. Make your food. Eat lean meats, fruits, vegetables, non-sugar breads, healthy fats. Do not get take out and take it back home. If you already hve junk food at home, throw it all away.

    That said; if you are invited to go out to eat with friends or family, don’t deprive yourself in that case. Limiting the crap foods to special occasions such as family or friend outings will keep you sane. But again, if you are at home, do not eat that s***. This rule has helped me a ton and keeps me sane.

    You need to quit this s*** cold turkey.

    Lastly, you need to realize how much it’s a privilege to eat healthy foods. Many people don’t have crumbs to eats. Be grateful and treat your body respectfully

    flackojodye turned his life around what a beautiful sight

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Keep a bag of baby carrots hidden in your sock at all times

  • Aug 29, 2020

    Keep a bag of baby carrots hidden in your sock at all times

    You asking op to hide it in his sock?

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    A shot of apple cider vinegar every morning

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    yo i'm all about gut health, it's a topic i'm actually super into

    Spit some game for us

  • Aug 29, 2020

    Take a probiotic supplement or foods high in them

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    A shot of apple cider vinegar every morning

    what does this do

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    @op u can realistically cut out fast food entirely if u get thru like 2 weeks of it the desire really goes tf out the window once you find that your bacon egg breakfast sandwiches can taste much better than the mcdonalds bacon egg biscuit

    there'll always b something special bout the mcgriddle but u can treat yourself to those on special days

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply

    Spit some game for us

    • incorporate lentils/beans/peas into your diet
    • if you’re gonna have rice/pasta/potato eat it cold
    • try and stay off processed foods as much as possible
    • eat fermented foods (like natural yogurt), even if you have sourdough over regular bread it helps
    • a glass of wine here and there has smth in it that i can’t remember the name of but it’s beneficial, i think it’s derived from the grape skin

    that’s off the top of my head, been a while since i’ve read into it
    but also if you got like certain conditions see a doctor cause like you could have hypersensitivity to gut stimuli

  • Aug 29, 2020

    @op u can realistically cut out fast food entirely if u get thru like 2 weeks of it the desire really goes tf out the window once you find that your bacon egg breakfast sandwiches can taste much better than the mcdonalds bacon egg biscuit

    there'll always b something special bout the mcgriddle but u can treat yourself to those on special days

    definitely the first thing I need t ocut out. Ate out in some way or another 4 days this week

  • Aug 29, 2020
    1 reply
    • incorporate lentils/beans/peas into your diet
    • if you’re gonna have rice/pasta/potato eat it cold
    • try and stay off processed foods as much as possible
    • eat fermented foods (like natural yogurt), even if you have sourdough over regular bread it helps
    • a glass of wine here and there has smth in it that i can’t remember the name of but it’s beneficial, i think it’s derived from the grape skin

    that’s off the top of my head, been a while since i’ve read into it
    but also if you got like certain conditions see a doctor cause like you could have hypersensitivity to gut stimuli

    why should you eat pasta cold?

    you think there's much natural yogurt at walmart? publix?

  • Aug 29, 2020

    Kimchi with some eggs in the morning.

  • Aug 29, 2020
    Rigbisa Lee

    why should you eat pasta cold?

    you think there's much natural yogurt at walmart? publix?

    something to do with the starch structure changes when cooled down iirc
    no idea about american stores sry

  • cut out all sugar(except the occasional cup of coffee) and basically any oils in foods(mainly get my fats from coconut/cashew milk)

    s***s crazy, if i eat like any sugar or anything even slightly greasy it f***s my stomach up for the rest of the day. hate to come off high and mighty, but it really opened my eyes

  • Packaged food really the devil...