those scooter s***s go way too fast, they need to regulate it
its people get hurt or killed regularly getting ran over by them in paris
they gotta use the bike lane, not the sidewalk but they never do
Yeah theyd never allow anything like that in the netherlands tbh. Most european countries give no f***s
Lmao everyone is gone for vacation so streets empty af, real nice actually
haha fair
i wouldn't try it tho
I live close to Paris, too bad I don't skate or it would have been fun to hangout
KTT worldwide
Jeez imagine, ktt taking over
How tf do u speak English so well
From what ik french are like the least anglophile Europeans
this is the coolest artwork i've seen in a minute
French essential right here
! s***s good, looking at other songs, I see where One Beer samples from
How tf do u speak English so well
From what ik french are like the least anglophile Europeans
I’m mixed that’s why
Thank you everyone for the music recommendations, I really appreciate it made the day that much better