Guy should go to jail for ruining lean 4 real
Shut your mouth, herb.
could see jme going forever honestly
hoping for it
skep could also easily drop an album every few years or so.
idk anyone who's gone for almost 20 years and still has s*** to rap about. that's longevity if i've ever seen it
Guy should go to jail for ruining lean 4 real
Verse went crazy
Verse went crazy
Great beat and verse but carti then skepta comes in talking about gta and computer games.. yikes!
Damn, one of the greatest to do it. Hope he sticks around & shifts his gear to fashion/movies after.
That’s right sad innit bruv
I mean he is turning 40 soon and he has contributed more than enough of his part in advancing the scene. Let him live however he wants at this point, he deseves it.
on a related note
Jae 5 been running the production game in the U.K and africa
he was there in th background for this lol hes done his time
! you look like u got aids