Yeah lemme hang out for the next 19 hours so I can catch the premiere of this weird song thanks OP
Am i early on the next outrage moment/topic?
Whos kids are these lmao
I am a Christian Conservative Hip Hop artist that puts God first! No one can buy me! I cant be sold! 100% Independent from start to finish!
How the f*** did OP find this the song didn’t even drop yet
How the f*** did OP find this the song didn’t even drop yet
hes probably a euro or something
Am i early on the next outrage moment/topic?
Whos kids are these lmao
This is Tyson James son . He’s an “anti groomer” transphobe rapper who has groomed his kid to be a transphobe rapper
That last Corbin album was so disappointing
Corbin’s been coasting off the hype of his early material for a while now
Who the f*** is Corbin
Spooky Black