pretty f***ed up these roaches ain’t paying rent or saying bless you when i sneeze or laugh at my jokes
if a pregnant woman gives you a golden shower is it now called a baby shower
Good question honestly
y’all ever just f*** your sleep schedule so hard that the easiest way to reset it is just keep shifting your sleep cycle forward until you eventually skipped a cumulative day of sleep
if anyone ever tells me they're getting "high off life" i'm staging an intervention
I'm high off life rn
i was thinking about how if someone got addicted to sleeping pills and just took a s*** ton of them whenever they woke up and went back to sleep
lots of d**** put you on vicious cycles but for some reason that one is so funny to me, like is a bender just going into hibernation
Used to be me
i started using "seent" instead of "saw" ironically and i've noticed i'm saying it more and more less and less ironically and i have this feeling it's gonna bite me in the ass somehow
I say seeented ironically
i think i'm ultimately sticking with this avi for the long run but if i ever grew tired of vamp Fonz(pffft) this is a solid reserve avi if i need to survive for the short term