Rewatching some s2 episodes
Didnt really like the boss gets married episode but its actually better than i gave it credit for
damn they wasted no time
Rewatching some s2 episodes
Didnt really like the boss gets married episode but its actually better than i gave it credit for
Damn I really liked that one
This season wasn’t it ngl
That president episode was genuinely awful, could not finish, but the season was mostly fine.
Paper clip episode was the most memorable. The flat earth reveal was pretty funny. That, and the Yeti bringing back the snowman all pissed off.
That president episode was genuinely awful, could not finish, but the season was mostly fine.
Paper clip episode was the most memorable. The flat earth reveal was pretty funny. That, and the Yeti bringing back the snowman all pissed off.
Yeah the Allan ep is the best one that season. Some may grow on you after more watches like it did for me idk
Desmond’s Big Day Out:
Pim taking Desmond & Charlie to his family dinner. Particularly Pim’s sister’s boyfriend throwing up and losing character and his dad who’s been in the BLOODY MINES FOR 40 HOURS
Mr. Frog:
The in between brain storming moments between Pim & Charlie on how to get Mr. Frog back on top. Mr. Frog will be in the background shooting guns during a coke binge or slumped in the pool floatie nonchalantly giggling at his phone off a bunch of chill pills. Also Charlie’s stories about his uncle who “loves his cars”
Shrimp Odyssey:
Pim sees Jenifer who he believes is Shrimpina for the first time. The song & sequence after of Pim envisioning his future with her is perfection
A Silly Halloween Special:
Pim has just been tasked with picking out firewood. He starts collecting twigs singing a joyful little tune and a bird accompanies him to finish the song. He kisses the bird and it flutters away. Idk why it’s funny to me
Who Violently Murdered Simon S. Salty?:
The video of Simon S. Salty talking about the “FDA” and how they are on his ass cuz he’s Italian.
Also when Charlie is interrogating Mustard in the freezer and she comes onto him. She asks him if it’s ok if a mustard can just have a little fun and he says “Yeah”. She flirtily asks him “Yeah?” And Charlie pauses for a second and annoyed goes “I already said yeah”
Enchanted Forest:
“You kiss your dad on the mouth?”
The campfire scene when Mip & Charlie kindle up some sexual tension
Frowning Friends:
“Dude I just looked up the helium thing he was talking about that’s true. That’s like 100% true everyth—everything he said was true. It’s all gonna be gone.”
Mr. President:
Charlie just learned about the secret cabal of worms and they eject him somewhere outside the White House fence. He pops up straight jacketed and beat up screaming something that I actually can’t fully decipher but I hear worms. There’s a mom taking a picture of her kid and they run away screaming