This is why I can never commit myself to smoking papers lmao
I feel like all joints are some variation of whats in OP lol
that s*** suck tho shawty
nah most people that roll irl regularly would do way cleaner than that. basically a straight neat cone
back home smoking legal
what you smoke? nigga like me can't roll, so i do king palms.
what you smoke? nigga like me can't roll, so i do king palms.
some fine fresh rolled grabba
Hello! So I'm very new to this smoking weed thing but I think this is the best one I've rolled yet. I would like some feedback tho, if you guys have any tricks or tips to help me with this journey that would be quite swell! Also no trolling, I genuinely am looking for help here.
What type of filter did you use?
What type of filter did you use?
Deluxe rolls with some white malboros in the mix
Don’t worry OP it took me a couple weeks when I started to be able to roll well too 😂 just practice rolling the tips perfectly and the fold part will come naturally
Have fun smoking all those chemicals in the paper
that’s why you backroll
5/10 I guess takes practice, make sure the filter isn't too tight so the smoke goes thru with no effort, make it a W. and a good trick is to use a pen or something to push the weed down (but not too hard) so that it has a nice even burn that doesn't go out
you'll get the perfect looking joints after a while but dont forget the functionality of it (cant really tell by the photo im just saying)
Hello! So I'm very new to this smoking weed thing but I think this is the best one I've rolled yet. I would like some feedback tho, if you guys have any tricks or tips to help me with this journey that would be quite swell! Also no trolling, I genuinely am looking for help here.
Looks good
Rosie odonald
@op did you use the canoe method? I would watch this if you haven’t