  • May 17, 2021

    I can’t believe they actually aired this

  • May 17, 2021

    Thread did SNL numbers

  • May 17, 2021
    4 replies

    Why were people outaged about this?

  • May 17, 2021

    the actors sound like they knew this s*** was trash

  • May 17, 2021

    who was this made for?

  • May 17, 2021
    2 replies

    That nurse has a f***in wagon huh

  • RASIE 🦦
    May 17, 2021

    Damn this is like watching real life

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply


    the doctor was kinda funny tho mainly because how weird he was acting lol

  • May 17, 2021

    Why were people outaged about this?

    No idea. It’s not really anger inducing, just really hard to watch lmfao

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply


    the doctor was kinda funny tho mainly because how weird he was acting lol

    That’s Elon musk. Awful actor but he seemed like the only one enjoying the skit

  • May 17, 2021

    That’s Elon musk. Awful actor but he seemed like the only one enjoying the skit

    can't believe I didn't recognise him wow. That explains the body language

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Why were people outaged about this?

    Some twitter-woke idiots tried to create an issue about how common slang is similar to aave

  • proper 🔩
    May 17, 2021
    1 reply
    Buckleys Angel

    Some twitter-woke idiots tried to create an issue about how common slang is similar to aave

    how is it not? Literally all the slang in the skit comes from rap music/black culture

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    how is it not? Literally all the slang in the skit comes from rap music/black culture

    Im not saying it isn’t, I just don’t think it’s as big of a deal as people on Twitter want to make it out to be. That’s just legitimately how most kids talk these days regardless of their ethnicity because they grew up in an era where hip-hop was the dominant culture and essentially their pop music.

  • May 17, 2021

    Why were people outaged about this?

    They're basically just misusing/making fun of AA slang lol

    but the premise is already so s*** that they can fall back on "tHaTs tHe PoiNT" lol

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Also this sucks but you'll know that we've really jumped the shark when it's 20 years from now and people are doing documentaries and people are referencing media from our time rn like this as if it was good or iconic lol

    its gon be kids who feel like these Netflix sitcoms with Pro Tools laugh tracks are classics and that's what's really wild, is that someone out here is laughing at s*** like whats in OP lol

  • user

    Also this sucks but you'll know that we've really jumped the shark when it's 20 years from now and people are doing documentaries and people are referencing media from our time rn like this as if it was good or iconic lol

    its gon be kids who feel like these Netflix sitcoms with Pro Tools laugh tracks are classics and that's what's really wild, is that someone out here is laughing at s*** like whats in OP lol

    That’s just how nostalgia works tbh.

    It’s like “I love the 80’s”. Half the s*** in that show was corny af and that’s even part of the joke, but it evokes fond memories from people who lived through it.

  • May 18, 2021

    I found it hilarious

  • May 18, 2021

    That nurse has a f***in wagon huh

  • May 18, 2021
    Buckleys Angel

    Im not saying it isn’t, I just don’t think it’s as big of a deal as people on Twitter want to make it out to be. That’s just legitimately how most kids talk these days regardless of their ethnicity because they grew up in an era where hip-hop was the dominant culture and essentially their pop music.

    The problem is rebranding lingo black people came up and have been using forever with as gen z language or like you attempted to put it “common slang”.

    Too often shut black folk come up with and popularize is taken and rebranded as something other.

  • May 18, 2021

    Anyway this s*** was garbage.

  • May 18, 2021
    1 reply

    I have no idea what aa or aave is

  • May 18, 2021
    1 reply

    I have no idea what aa or aave is

    African American Vernacular English

  • May 18, 2021

    African American Vernacular English

    damn. since when? 🥴

  • May 18, 2021

    That nurse has a f***in wagon huh

    Who is it