Draw a heart second best song. Those wobbles are infectious they should have turned those up
Idk this s*** is so hard I’m surprised by some reactions 😭 I think I like this more than Vol 1
April Mixtape 2 was in my recommended and good lord
I lve it
Welcome brother
Just saw this and came to post it 😆
They performed at 3 AM and the schedule was announced a week before (not a festival, their own headline show), I had to sell my ticket. Venue must've been f***ing empty, dam..
They performed at 3 AM and the schedule was announced a week before (not a festival, their own headline show), I had to sell my ticket. Venue must've been f***ing empty, dam..
damn that sucks . finally going to see them live, the wait is over (hopefully i won’t get sick or sumn🤞)
kinda regretted not going to that Berlin show last november tbh…. didn’t have anyone to go with and travel tho and i felt kinda weak and sick that week anyways so that sucked
and when they were in Kutna Hora last summer i was on a vacation so i was quite pissed to miss out
third time’s the charm i guess