This post is really funny for some reason. I’m just imagining S hitting you on the walkie talkie to give you updates by the minute.
“We’re keeping this in the music section, over!”
Mrs. WAP
Weird ass positioning
Damn I dead thought I had one y’all
niggas go outta their way to say they wouldn’t hit a girl that would never let them hit in the first place 💀
nigga u dont have an option LMFAOO
interesting to know thank u
For the longest time that's how those surgeries where typically done. Slice the nipple off, insert the implant and reattach the nipple.
And then Dr. Miami came up the innovation of slicing underneath the breast and inserting the implant from the chest, minimizing scarring in the process.
Once you look into the process of all these plastic surgeries and what women put themselves through, it's some real Frankenstein s--t.