WLR dissapointing proves cudi is a goat
Album exceeded high expectations and over shadowed every album for me this year after 10 years wait
Just go in the WLR thread and say you don’t like it since this is what you really wanted to accomplish
Not even close
I remember listening to MOTM 1-2 right before the 3rd, and MOTM3 felt like a let down, even in terms of production/vibes, MOTM2 has so much more also I felt like Cudi is copying Travis or vica-versa.
there is no album of the year this is the worst year for music EVER
After Hours
Still haven’t listened to Carrie’s album outside of the first two tracks and part of the outro. Wasn’t bad, although I didn’t like the baby voice on the outro
After Hours has been AOTY since March lol