  • May 1, 2020
    2 replies
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    He’s still spitting bars on there


    Drake hasn’t rapped bout s*** in so long

  • May 1, 2020

    best rapper alive right now undeniable

  • A Mad Ass Nigga

    He’s still spitting bars on there


    Hmm some joints were cool but didn’t stick imo

    Was successful in commercial sense I’ll give him that

  • May 1, 2020
    2 replies

    Ktt and this forced Kendrick hate is wild lol

  • AKFresh

    Drake hasn’t rapped bout s*** in so long

    Tough to rap about things like be humble sit down

  • May 1, 2020
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Ktt and this forced Kendrick hate is wild lol

    Can’t wait for kdot to drop to remind these goofballs

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply
    CLB Rosetta Stone

    I’m not convincing you lol

    I’m telling you

    You funny. Aint nobody scared of Drake and his ”mandems” & ”youts”

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all caught in that new album hype

    Project is extremely dull

    The same ol’ project we get from Drake

    Nothing exciting or adventurous or new

    It ain’t bad by any means, it’s just boring when an artists releases such a generic project when they’re capable of so much more

  • AKFresh

    Drake hasn’t rapped bout s*** in so long

    Yeah, there’s topics Kendrick touched that Drake would never. I would like to see Drake go left field.

  • doot doot

    tape filled with loose tracks and demos better than your favs output the last 5 years

    First week numbers gonna come in and blow everything from this year out of the water

    This is just a warm up for the actual album too

    Entire tape showcases his ability as a singer, songwriter, rapper, etc (on DEMOS/LOOSIES)

    Hits on hits on hits on hits along with deep cuts

    inb4 “sales don’t matter” but they actually do when you’re in goat convos, how can you be the goat if no ones listening to your music

    My favorite part is the sales part. That is so true, well said

  • May 1, 2020

    The project is ight, couple of good jams. Y’all overrated tf outta it

  • May 1, 2020
    2 replies

    Does anyone believe when drake says things are loosies, demos, mixtapes or playlists lmao

  • May 1, 2020

    Shoulda wrote every song wit the cartier pen tbh

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Ktt and this forced Kendrick hate is wild lol

    Kendrick hate is manifactured propaganda that Drake stans came up with

  • May 1, 2020

    Does anyone believe when drake says things are loosies, demos, mixtapes or playlists lmao

    His stans

  • ThemCLBniggasweak

    You funny. Aint nobody scared of Drake and his ”mandems” & ”youts”

    Yes they are lol

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Y’all caught in that new album hype

    Project is extremely dull

    The same ol’ project we get from Drake

    Nothing exciting or adventurous or new

    It ain’t bad by any means, it’s just boring when an artists releases such a generic project when they’re capable of so much more

    Wow what an enlightened critique

    You’re so right!!

  • May 1, 2020

    Shut up

  • ThemCLBniggasweak

    Kendrick hate is manifactured propaganda that Drake stans came up with

    Lmao you mad

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply

    Does anyone believe when drake says things are loosies, demos, mixtapes or playlists lmao

    He loves using these gimmicks so they don’t get judged as critically

  • May 1, 2020

    Not THE goat, but A goat.

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Drake is one of my main artists I have in rotation and sales don’t matter lol sales does nothing for us fans.

    Its a measure of how much people really f*** with the music

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply

    If he was a GOAT people wouldn’t let it slide when he bites people’s sounds and flows, or when it comes out that he has ghost writers. He’s one of the GOAT commercial acts, and He’s had one of the best runs ever, across all genres.

  • May 1, 2020
    1 reply
    martian master

    Its a measure of how much people really f*** with the music

    People are going to listen no matter what that’s how good his branding is

  • May 1, 2020

    Didn't care about the tape lmao

    And I don't even hate drake