Kanye stans showing their true colour
Well if I use the word “queer” is that better? Tf
True, it is Drakes fault that someone doesn't want to be around someone as idiotic and lost as Kanye
Drake helped drive him down the path of insanity
Stfu weirdo
Drake a undercover queer. He ain’t stealing anyone’s wife.
kanye stans are something else lol
True, it is Drakes fault that someone doesn't want to be around someone as idiotic and lost as Kanye
True, it is Drakes fault that someone doesn't want to be around someone as idiotic and lost as Kanye
A kanye stan calling someone a slur who knew
sad. especially considering kanye has dated a man before lol
I’ve seen Drake stans make we wuz kang jokes, refer to all Jews as rats, use the N word, and disrespect black womens natural hair among other things
True, it is Drakes fault that someone doesn't want to be around someone as idiotic and lost as Kanye
I’ve seen Drake stans make we wuz kang jokes, refer to all Jews as rats, use the N word, and disrespect black womens natural hair among other things
Y’all get so heated
It's weird as f***
Exactly, imagine the f***ery Kanye tried in terms of open relationship .... elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/culture/a29584405/kanye-west-sex-addiction-kim-kardashian
Y'all don't know these Niggas why are y'all doing this?.
I get some of you f***ed up mentally but some of you Niggas too normal to do all this.