I think he should lie low for a few months and let this blow over, and then come back with a project in like October/November. What y’all think?
Excuse his homophobia for self-conscious and very apparent closeting of his homosexuality
Lay low for a while and come back with a hit.
He don't got another hit in him. I promise you
He don't got another hit in him. I promise you
I can't vouche for that. Unless you're telling me you know him personally and he told you that.
He could drop a hit now it won't have much impact on his popularity it's just bad pr
Imo anyway. That's ignoring how maybe his label will chill on promoting him for a min tho
It's a wrap. Gonna have to resort to the all black/hood markets
He’ll be fine lol next year I guarantee he’ll be back doin shows and cranking out hits
Excuse his homophobia for self-conscious and very apparent closeting of his homosexuality
So Tyler, the Creator?
disappear from the public eye for a few months
donate to LGBTQ/HIV funds, maybe donate money/studio time to a young gay rapper who isn’t discovered
PR releases about doing the work behind the scenes
drop good music after all of this runs it’s course