  • May 24, 2020

    Turn the 8 upside down, still a 8 now


  • May 24, 2020

    i dunno in what sense u refer to jik as a culture-shifting album, but i think it may have some small effect in that it was a pretty much anti-market album, which is why i agree w those who consider it a passion project. a lot of mainstream music is being made based on what people think will sell well, and kanye basically said "nah not that, this album is all about christ and lessons related to christ"

    maybe it'll influence more passion projects in the future. maybe not, though, cus the rzn JIK sold well was primarily that it was a kanye album. not many artists can accomplish similar ROI on whatever they may be more esoterically (compared to mainstream music topics) passionate about. and ROI matters a lot if you're signed

  • HURRY UP sab 🧔🏻
    May 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    It's not. The same people that said he was just using religion and wouldn't be consistent were proved wrong because he has stayed consistent for a year plus and continues to do so by dropping another religious album

    shocker: people who were expecting kanye to not do everything he can to appeal to a WASP audience are let down

    another shocker: they still have hopes that he’ll stop this act

    final shocker: kris jenner knows how to market people in her family

  • May 24, 2020

    JIK is a classic. Nothing more nothing less.

    Give it a few years all the Gen Z will come around to it. Without a doubt.

    If the world going to s*** in the next years even more

    Religion might make a biiiiiiig comeback

  • May 24, 2020

    jesus likes it so it must be good

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    bro you think ppl copying something is the only reflection of a shift?
    How many people ran on stage at the VMAs since Ye then?

    What shift tho, who in the mainstream is making more religious or spiritual music after jik

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    What shift tho, who in the mainstream is making more religious or spiritual music after jik

    the shift is that he made it

  • bloem

    the shift is that he made it

  • May 24, 2020
    HURRY UP sab

    shocker: people who were expecting kanye to not do everything he can to appeal to a WASP audience are let down

    another shocker: they still have hopes that he’ll stop this act

    final shocker: kris jenner knows how to market people in her family

    The fact that hes done this for almost 2 years, and 3 albums and Sunday service almost every week should tell u it ain't an act lol he been consistent with it when hes usually the most inconsistent person.

  • May 24, 2020

    “you lot”

    Site needs to be purged of Europeans I swear

  • May 24, 2020

    Coloring Book>>>

  • May 24, 2020
    Ghetto Lenny

    GKMC is a better Christian rap album than JIK.

    Nah section 80 tbh

  • May 24, 2020

    so everyone was just rapping about Jesus in the mainstream

    who else is doing it

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    so everyone was just rapping about Jesus in the mainstream

    What the f*** are you trying to say

    the radio is not full of Selahs and Follow God’s now dawg nothing has changed

  • May 24, 2020

    Never understood ppl calling JIK trash. Is it great no can you call it mid sure but trash? Lol y’all making it seem like it’s the big day, relapse territory

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    What the f*** are you trying to say

    the radio is not full of Selahs and Follow God’s now dawg nothing has changed

    radio dictates culture ?

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    radio dictates culture ?

    Spotify is not full of Selahs and Follow God’s now dawg nothing has changed

  • May 24, 2020

    “you lot”

    Site needs to be purged of Europeans I swear

    a communist yet still a cultural elitist

    would Marx approve

    a European wrote Das Kapital so I guess you can't talk about Marx now

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    Spotify is not full of Selahs and Follow God’s now dawg nothing has changed


    pls tell me you not one of those posters who only care about fw sales

  • May 24, 2020
    2 replies


    pls tell me you not one of those posters who only care about fw sales

    No one is imitating Jesus is King

    it’s a very simple concept. The album influenced zero rappers

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    so everyone was just rapping about Jesus in the mainstream

    I don’t think you understand the word impact

  • May 24, 2020
    2 replies

    I don’t think you understand the word impact

    did I use it?

  • May 24, 2020

    did I use it?

    You responded to someone saying the album had no impact with a counterargument

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply
    Oj Or

    No one is imitating Jesus is King

    it’s a very simple concept. The album influenced zero rappers

    not talking about imitation that still has time to come. we talking bout shift, a change to how things are done

  • May 24, 2020
    1 reply

    not talking about imitation that still has time to come. we talking bout shift, a change to how things are done

    What is your argument that it shifted any thing? There is no examples of anything shifting